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Last Tx Mystery Fossil #7


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When I found this, I was fossil hunting in Austin along a creek bed. I thought claw? Sloth claw? It has a hollow "tube" extending inward from the tip which to me would be similar to a vein running through a cat claw. Thoughts? Is this a coral?


You can be hit by a boat and die

You can be attacked by a shark and die

OR you could fall off the couch and die

GET OFF THE COUCH - go scuba!

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does not look like a claw. most likely something from a marine invertebrate due to the location, but picture not adequate for id purposes.

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Piece of a rudist bivalve would be my best guess. Most fossils from around Austin are marine in origin.

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Try backing off on your camera distance, or use the Macro mode. Put lighter fossils on a darker background, and vice versa. As long as you get a clear picture, then you can crop/fix it and it should be more visable. ;)

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I would say some type of clam but can't be sure what kind from the pictures.

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Lance called it. It is a rudistid clam, probably Toucasia sp. The photo needs to be clearer and information about where it was found or its geologic horizon would help confirm an identification. Austin has Cretaceous exposures from the upper to the lower of the Cretaceous.


The Eocene is my favorite

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