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Getting property owner permission


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When getting property owner permission to hunt what level of documentation is required. Obviously, something in writing is preferred but is it required?

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It's all about the relationship you have with a landowner and what you expect to find and do with your finds. Professional diggers usually have a written contract because it's all about money.   Casual collectors like myself it's all about  a handshake.


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Handshake for casual collecting. Definitely something in writing for commercial. A good friend and fellow collector would often follow up with a thank you visit and give them a gift like a nice bottle of wine and maybe some of the fossils.  Another great thing to do is liter clean up. As a boy scout we always left a site better than we found it and I try and keep up that behavior whenever possible.


Unfortunately there have been some collectors over the years who abused privately owned sites that were either considered "open for all" or only for a select person by over-collecting and selling stuff from the site.  This is why so many of us are loath to share sites with others until a deep trust is established. 


Also good to know some of the common rules when out in the country. Things like never disturb live stock and always leave gates as you found them, open or closed.


You would think this stuff is common sense, but you know what they say about common sense...


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I agree with Troodon and erose and I'll add one other thing that I've occasionally found useful.  Some landowners worry about liability if you should happen to get injured while on their property, so a generic waiver of liability letter can come in handy.



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Thank you all. I had gone with a handshake but hen started second guessing myself. Fortunately, picking up litter is one of my wife's favorite hobbies while I look for rocks am fossils. 


I have been to a lot places but to be honest the people throughout Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming were some of the most consistently welcoming and friendly I have ever ran into across a large region. I almost regretted leaving and heading back to West texas. 

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