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Therapods And Human Footprints Together


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All too true, but they can't win my heart any more than I can win their minds. If this is what they believe, I respect their right to do so, and expect the same in return. Arguing mind-to-heart is pointless.

You have missed the point, 'Auspex.' No one cares about your "heart." Young-earthers have a longer-term strategy than that. Young-earthers are about protecting their scriptural foundation. Some of them, like the Discovery Institute, would like to manufacture enough traction to get their ideas into the public schools. In other words, 'Auspex,' they want to win the hearts of your grandchildren.

Young-earthers and scientists are locked in a battle for integrity . . . integrity of their own belief-system or world-view. Neither will surrender. Scientists would be content to ignore young-earthers; but, young-earthers cannot afford to ignore scientists.

Scientists can't and don't give any consideration to this; but, every new dinosaur, every new Tiktaalik is like a body blow to the corpus of scriptural fundamentalism. That body is recoiling from the attack. That body is defending itself as best it can. Young-earther fundamentalism is in survival mode, so expect it do whatever it must to survive. No, I don't think they're giving too much consideration to your heart, 'Auspex.'



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Hmmm, isn't Glen Rose close to Paluxey?

Yes, the Paluxy River goes through Glen Rose. The McFall tracks are just outside the Dinosaur park west of town.

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...Young-earthers and scientists are locked in a battle for integrity . . . integrity of their own belief-system or world-view. Neither will surrender. Scientists would be content to ignore young-earthers; but, young-earthers cannot afford to ignore scientists...

A lucid summary (and I do not mean to discount your first and third paragraphs by not quoting them, only to emphasize your explanation of the conflict's core).

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Carl Baugh has some rather interesting theories about the young earth. Not sure where he gets all of his information as he seems to extrapolate a lot of data out of one sentence. Glen Kuban has a lot to say about them. Should they actually find "something" this time, I hope they do a lot better job of documentation and preservation than the last time.

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In the end (once you get past the rank and file) this is about power - which organised religion is all about. Take away or try to apply facts to the so called miracles and you lose the mystery and appeal that leaves their followers in awe. Seems they just don't get the same pazaz from having creation last hundreds of millions of years instead of a six day side show.

The is a reason why Church doctrine in the bad old days stated; "Reading and interpretation of the Bible is the sole provence of the Church." Or in simpler terms, if you read the book, your goose was cooked.

Mind you I respect faith, that is about the individual conscience, but once you bring in the big boys, well their power base is what keeps them on top.

Be true to the reality you create.

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the moon is made of cheese.

Tracer, can we stop off at the moon on our way to the sun? I love cheese.


For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Would you and tracer mind getting me a hunk of blue cheese?

Only if it's not a problem... :P


Welcome to the forum!

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Tracer, can we stop off at the moon on our way to the sun? I love cheese.


look, mr. bowkill, ramo, sir. we haven't even gotten off the launch pad yet and you've already changed your name and are wanting to make side trips. you need to learn to focus or you're going to end up employed in california government somehow. unless there is a stuckey's on the moon, then i'm not going near that place. probably has human footprints near old craters or something and i just don't want to get into any controversy over how old the place is.

you can bring cheese with you, and we'll try to approach the speed of light and see if the cheese stops aging. since this is an unusual trip anyway, i'd recommend that you bring mainzer handkaese. you'll like it. maybe.

(p.s. - i'm very subject to changing my mind on this if, between now and our launch date, there's any sort of news story regarding fossils being found on the moon. especially cow fossils.)

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Are we there yet?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Are we there yet?

i don't know, but while you're waiting, please reflect on what is so great about this country that a young marine from fort worth would defend a position whilst attired thusly.

go us!

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i don't know, but while you're waiting, please reflect on what is so great about this country that a young marine from fort worth would defend a position whilst attired thusly.

That's an old trick for Marines based in a WZ; no one else will wear your underwear.

This strategy, my friends, requires uncommon bravery.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Well, MikeDOTB and I just got finished with our two-day shark tooth hunt in Aurora, NC and Greensville, NC (Greens Mill Run).

After traipsing through the creek running through Cretaceous strata (so I'm told - I'm a newbie there), I can unfortunately report that we found none of the fabled human bones intermingled with the sweet batch of ancient teeth we found - although that could be simply due to the fact that the area was under the sea at the time the teeth fell from their owners mouths. I doubt people would have been swimming with the sharks when the land back then was so much more hospital to naked apes.

Trip report soon :) Right now it hurts to type after two days of sifting...

"The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be. " - Douglas Adams

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Well, MikeDOTB and I just got finished with our two-day shark tooth hunt in Aurora, NC and Greensville, NC (Greens Mill Run).

After traipsing through the creek running through Cretaceous strata (so I'm told - I'm a newbie there), I can unfortunately report that we found none of the fabled human bones intermingled with the sweet batch of ancient teeth we found - although that could be simply due to the fact that the area was under the sea at the time the teeth fell from their owners mouths. I doubt people would have been swimming with the sharks when the land back then was so much more hospital to naked apes.

Trip report soon :) Right now it hurts to type after two days of sifting...

That is because you should have been looking for mermaids. :P

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"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." --Dan Quayle[/size][/font]

Can you say Tomatoe or Tomato! That is the question???/ Dan Quayle, OMG what a lush!!!Flash in the pan"so to speak" Glad he is gone!

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