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Chert Serendipity


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On July 2nd I had permission to go on XX's land and explore their creek for fossils. It was 60 degrees and overcast. After several hours slogging through the ice cold crrek all I had found was this...post-218-1247246764_thumb.jpg nice but not real exciting. As we were getting ready to leave I decided to take some pic"s of two piles of chert sitting there for road fill...post-218-1247247009_thumb.jpgpost-218-1247247026_thumb.jpgpost-218-1247247044_thumb.jpg

Looking at chert just cheers me up! :) then I saw it and I was floored!post-218-1247247133_thumb.jpg. This trilobite tail is a lot bigger than what I usually find.The owner stated that the road fill chert had come from Frost , WV.


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