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I bought this as a beaver incisor, but once it arrived, it looked more pig-like. What do you pros say? It has the length-wise striations of a beaver tooth, but nowhere near as many, it looks too curved, and the tip shape looks all wrong (too pointy). Thanks.







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I bought this as a beaver incisor, but once it arrived, it looked more pig-like. What do you pros say? It has the length-wise striations of a beaver tooth, but nowhere near as many, it looks too curved, and the tip shape looks all wrong (too pointy). Thanks.


Saw a beaver jawbone once, i was struck by how flat the cutting edges of the lower teeth were, like a chisel. I think you got yerself a pig tusk. Still pretty cool, though!

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At over 8' long and 220 lbs., this one wouldn't take any stuff from Eddie Haskel!


Here's Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Beaver

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That's exactly why I think it's pig. What's a pig tusk worth? If it is indeed a pig tusk, I think I paid too much for it, assuming a giant beaver incisor is worth more.

One more thing: Looking at the cross section, this has two flat sides and one rounded side. Shouldn't the beaver have one flat, one round? Indiana 9 Fossils has a skull for sale for a good reference: http://indiana9fossils.com/WorldClass/Giant%20Beaver.htm


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Yes, there are different species of giant beaver. Is this the one from intlfossils? If so, don't waste your time questioning his ID's, he's one of the very best on fossils in this country.

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It is indeed from that seller. After looking at various photos online, I now agree it is giant beaver as well. It really just has an odd wear pattern. Maybe he just hadn't seen the paleodentist in a while.

PS. I must say, I don't know who did the restoration on this, but they did an AMAZING job.


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