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Need A Rock Id


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I found this rock in the parking lot of my motel in Scottsbluff Nebraska. The back side looks like a piece of limestone, but it is broken, and the inside is clear and fairly colorless, with the exception of little white specks floating around inside it. It is hard enough to scratch glass, so I imagine I've discovered a new type of Nebraska diamond, and I will be able to quit my job and retire.



For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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It's hard to tell from the blurry picture but it sounds like a chert nodule, which is quite common is western Nebraska.

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That is what it reminds me of, but the chert nodules I'm most familiar with (in KS) are never clear and colorless.

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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You can scratch glass with quartz.

If it's clear and colorless, I would bet that's what it is. Not saying it doesn't exist, but I've never seen clear chert either. It appears to be a small geode by the picture.

Dave Bowen

Collin County, Texas.

Paleontology: The next best thing to time travel.

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Chert - like Flint and Agate is a form of finely crystalised Quartz. There is a very simple test, scratch a piece of glass with it-if it does scratch--nuff said. Personally, since it is translucent I would go with it being an Agate nodule (just a higher class Quartz than Chert). :D

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I don't have any vinegar to test the back side, but the window in my motel has a little scratch towards the bottom of it, so I guess it must be quartz.


For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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the window in my motel has a little scratch towards the bottom of it,


Yeah, by the looks of it I would say it is a type of quartz... as soon as you can, test it against topaz or corundum....

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