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Came From The Nsr But What Did I Come From?


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I came from the NSR but I don't know what I belong to for sure, so anyone have any ideas?post-498-1247795318_thumb.jpg post-498-1247795365_thumb.jpgpost-498-1247795396_thumb.jpg post-498-1247795452_thumb.jpg

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X-fish skull plate is my guess. (A small one)

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Sheesh, not only do I not have a clue, I couldn't even come up with a reasonable guess, other than it looks like bone, and it looks like a small nub of a horn or something.

Dave Bowen

Collin County, Texas.

Paleontology: The next best thing to time travel.

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It is bone, it is fossilized, it reminds me of the back of a alligator snapping turtle.

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I'd say scute, probably. Doesn't have the strong ornamentation that scutes of critters normally have, but it could be a scute off of a turtle perhaps.

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It is bone, it is fossilized, it reminds me of the back of a alligator snapping turtle.

My first thoughts were of some sort of eroded "scute". Does the texture remind you of fish bone?

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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My first thoughts were of some sort of eroded "scute". Does the texture remind you of fish bone?

No, I don't think it is any kind of fish. I am almost 100% sure it is some kind of scute.

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Just trying to rule out some weird fish armour.... ;)

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Just trying to rule out some weird fish armour.... ;)

I am thinking some kind of turtle, it reminds me of a big old logger head snapping turtle.

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Is my guess that far off, that you guys are just ignoring me? Here is a poor photo of some parts of an X-fish skull, and the part in my hand towards my little finger is the crest of an X-fish. (I hope X-fish himself takes a look at this, he may have an idea) I'm probably wrong, but that is what it reminds me of. (By the way, this pile of associated x-fish stuff is for sale or trade. If anyone is interested send me a PM)


For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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No Bowkill, I am not ignoring you, I did look it up after you mentioned it but I don't see anything that reminds me of what I have. I have found several of these at the NSR, some smaller than others, some with higher ridges than others.

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I have found several of these at the NSR, some smaller than others, some with higher ridges than others.

I have found some of the turtle pieces as well,probably from the same spot..That high ridge is pretty pronounced compared to the ones I have found. I guess the jury is still out!

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