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Prepping out large ammonite for sons friend


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  My sons friend did some work on my big tractor and I told him I would prep out one of my sons ammos for him.  I cant do any scribe work till i get my compessor back to working, but i was able to do some grinding on it, some glue up work and a small bit of 2 part putty.  Still gots a ways to go though.   A 15 incher




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You can certainly tell how much time Ron spends prepping by the frequency of his posts due to his failed compressor!!!


This is pretty cool looking. I like the white sutures.

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It's always nice when the ruler you are using is too small for the fossil ... haha.  That's gorgeous ... !





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Hey @ynot, should'nt take too much popcorn? 


@Ptychodus04. most of the fragmacone was all powdery white do I decided to just take it off to show the sutures. 


@Brett Breakin' Rocks.  Ha!!!  Never thought of using myself as a ruler for scale, but when i do find a fossil big enough for that, then i will do it.  :)



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Hey @FossilDudeCO, once its done the sutures will look a heck of alot better!  Plus there is a small area that is ablaze with color.  My sons freind will like it im sure.



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Are you all missing the big fat elephant in the room?!  He is giving away one of his son's ammos for work done on his tractor!  What's wrong with giving him one of your ammonites?! Lol

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14 hours ago, caldigger said:

Are you all missing the big fat elephant in the room?!  He is giving away one of his son's ammos for work done on his tractor!  What's wrong with giving him one of your ammonites?! Lol


Shhh. @RJB is a genius; don't talk so loud or his son will hear you.

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Hey guys, my son wants me to prep one out for his buddy.  Just so happend that my tactor needed some work.  Worked out great for everybody.  Simple as that.  Sometimes there is a simple explination for what seems to be thievery.  :)



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9 hours ago, RJB said:

Hey guys, my son wants me to prep one out for his buddy.  Just so happend that my tactor needed some work.  Worked out great for everybody.  Simple as that.  Sometimes there is a simple explination for what seems to be thievery.  :)




Well, that doesn't satisfy my need for a good conspiracy. 

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  • 1 month later...


Ok, I did some more work on this thing.  I did glue some pieces of shell on the 'back' side on top of the 2 part putty area and will do some grinding to make it look perty good.  It will look a heck of a lot better than just a missing piece!  I will do the same to the other side too.  I also shaped it so it will kinda look like it has an apature?  Not the best, but its better than not doing it.  Ive got a ways to go, but im sure my sons freind will like it very much!!!  Its a piece of cra-p, but its turning out to be a very nice piece of cra-p!!  Ha!!!  :)





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How do you.....? How do you get that big of ammonites?! I've been to the Jurassic Coast and found nothing as big as that! That's pretty amazing...I have to admit! Great find!

:trilo:  RiseOfTheExtinct  :ammonite01:


"There's no shame in being weird. I'm have the obsession of mollusks. You're the one who always forgets your coffee. We're all weird in our own ways.

Don't forget that, weirdo whose even weirder than me..."

5 minutes later... Said by someone else...

"Hey, weirdo, you forgot your coffee on your desk..."



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Tell your son he's amazing.

:trilo:  RiseOfTheExtinct  :ammonite01:


"There's no shame in being weird. I'm have the obsession of mollusks. You're the one who always forgets your coffee. We're all weird in our own ways.

Don't forget that, weirdo whose even weirder than me..."

5 minutes later... Said by someone else...

"Hey, weirdo, you forgot your coffee on your desk..."



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  • 2 months later...

Ok, took quite awhile to get back to this one, but now its done.  Took more time than I anticipated, but thats par for course!!!  Im just glad I got it done for him before Xmas.  Turned out much better than i thought it would. 





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48 minutes ago, Bobby Rico said:

Great job and really lovely ammonite.

Thank you Bobby.


17 minutes ago, ynot said:

You do wonderful things in Your prep shop!:thumbsu:

Always look forward to seeing what comes out of it

And thank you Tony. I had to put some crabs aside to get this done, but I will back to the crabs soon. 



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