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Septarian Surprise!


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Today we investigated a small area that was loaded with large crystal filled septarian nodules. One of these chunks of crystal and shale contained some large bones that look like rib bones to me but I'm not an expert. Can anyone tell if they are from a large fish or maybe even large reptile? The geologic formation is Eagle Ford and age is circa 93 myo.




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They look like reptile to me. They don't look fishy.

Whatever they are, they're gorgeous! Congrats!

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They don't look like ribs to me but they sure do look reptile. Hats off for some real nice finds! :D

Be true to the reality you create.

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those are some very gorgeous crystals... i am certainly envious...

oh. the dead animal is nice, too...

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Here's a small associated piece where you can see a concave area where it attached to a convex area. The broader end opposite is broken.



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This right half seems to be one bone. It's where two parts merge looks like.



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Very nice finds Lance. After I read this I went out and broke mine open. lol.

Dave Bowen

Collin County, Texas.

Paleontology: The next best thing to time travel.

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Sad, but I never had the chance to hunt the Dallas, Fort Worth area, drove through it once when they were building the loop and there leaning on a lone fence post in the middle of nowhere was a large Ammonite. Wonder what ever happened to it?

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Far out man - to me fish bones generally appear to have a flakier texture, so in this case I vote reptile.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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I agree with Dan,the fish material that I have is very much flakier :D

Nice finds y'all.At least some of us are willing to brave the heat!

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