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Various Sea Creatures


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I decided to hit up more rocks today and I found these five things. The first two i'm pretty sure are coral. I'm not sure about the other three.






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1 and 2, not as convinced they are coral...don't really know. 3 and 4 are horn corals, 5 looks like a brachiopod.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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I can see the first two being parts of a larger colonial coral, hard to see detail with no macro. :) The next two are Horn Corals and the last if a Brachiopod. Whereabouts did you pick these up?



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Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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Everything i've posted on the forum so far I have found on my Dad's 110 acre property just south of Albany N.Y. It's actually just on the border of Albany and Greene counties. I was searching some very old stone walls for weird looking rocks and I found these in various rocks. The property used to be a farm and I guess when the farmers first plowed the land some 200 years ago they found these.These rocks were very soft. I think it might have been sandstone of some sort. I'll try to get you more detailed pictures. All of these items are no longer than 1". Hope this helps.

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