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Hi I know nothing about ammonites but have a large titanites ammonite that's been in my family for years and I wondered if this fossil has anything inside if cut and polished or is it the same inside as the raw outside material? I've seen some very bright th very dull patterns in some cut and polished ammonites but I'm not sure which type they have to be to look like this(I've read Madagascar ) and the one I have I've been told is from Portland Dorset any info welcomed and very much appreciated 



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I've not had any direct experience with that species, but I believe that most of the Portland ammonites are clay-limestone steinkerns, which would not allow for any of the internal mineralization of which you are hoping. At least your sample looks that way, particularly if there is no mineralization to be seen at the spot where a chip is missing from the outer whorls.

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Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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I would never cut that, looks to crumbly. What a beautiful and gigantic specimen!:envy:

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Happy hunting,


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Thankyou I'm quite proud of it  :dinothumb: Very great full to get a response on here and that's why I've left well alone until I had some expert knowledge ❤️ Phew glad I didn't just chance it. 

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44 minutes ago, Debzilla said:

Yes that's correct I cannot access that part of the forum unfortunately ☹️

It does not take long to reach the threshold. Just post some more ID requests.:D




PS If You do not have more pieces for ID, You can participate in other areas of the forum.

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Thats a biggin for sure!  Even if she could post it for sale, who could afford the shipping cost for oversea's?   That think looks like it weighs half a ton!!!



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