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Yet Another Tiny Atrocity


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The only thing I could think of was a possible Dermal Spine from a Ray, but other than that I haven't a clue.



I apologize for the second picture, but it's purpose was to give you the lateral shape of the fossil, thus it's pretty well done it's job.



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Can't tell from the pix but does it look similar this scute (GMR find).

If so, I'm is the same boat with you (still not sure the of ID).

- Brad


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It resembles it, which is why I assumed it was, however if it is it's very weathered, sadly nothing new from tiny fossils in Florida creeks -.-

Ah well, at least I'm glad I've got a basic I.D, but I'm still unsure of the species of ray that it comes from. Sadly, it's unlikely I'll get it, as such a thing would need a fossil in great condition, and good images of it :P

Ah well, If any of you have suggestions, that'd be great, if not, thanks for the replies anyway!


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if it is very worn, i would imagine the only way to get an indication of what aminal formerly wore it is was would be to do research on what else has been found in the location you found it. if twenty people have found a hundred dermal denticles there and they comprised only one specie, then yours is probably that too. yes, i know the logic doesn't follow, but i'm talking probability, not logic. it's tracer's corollary to murphy's law, ok?

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if it is very worn, i would imagine the only way to get an indication of what aminal formerly wore it is was would be to do research on what else has been found in the location you found it. if twenty people have found a hundred dermal denticles there and they comprised only one specie, then yours is probably that too. yes, i know the logic doesn't follow, but i'm talking probability, not logic. it's tracer's corollary to murphy's law, ok?

Makes sense, the only problem I see in it is that it was found in a Gainesville creek.. I can only imagine how many types of Dermal Denticles have been found in this location 0.0

How do you suppose I should go about finding out?


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