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Echinoid Id Needed.


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i just aquired a bunch of little echinoids. they look alot like the " sea biscuits" you see every once in a while. i believe that they are miocene from the kettleman hills california area, but this info is not certain. the ambulacral areas are rased above the rest of the urchine. they are all about 1.25 inches some smaller some larger.

the best i can come up with is Astrodaspids sp?? any help would be appreciated. i may put a few of these up in the trades/sales section once i get a good id for them.







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i just aquired a bunch of little echinoids. they look alot like the " sea biscuits" you see every once in a while. i believe that they are miocene from the kettleman hills california area, but this info is not certain. the ambulacral areas are rased above the rest of the urchine. they are all about 1.25 inches some smaller some larger.

the best i can come up with is Astrodaspids sp?? any help would be appreciated. i may put a few of these up in the trades/sales section once i get a good id for them.



Nice echinoids! I really dont know much about anything but the crinoids but there is a great site that might be of some help. I use it to ID my crinoids all the time. www.indiana9fossils.com. Go there and click the echnoids under "E" and it will bring up a whole list of places where they are found. This place is great at answering questions too. Hope this helps ya.

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i just found a small piece of paper in the bottom of the box that says " mt Ojai material 1970" this may or may not help?


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i found the ids on them, they are not from kettleman hills. (shark teeth in the same box from kettleman) two species. here's what they are

Astrodaspis gregerseni- miocene Branch canyon, cuyama valley, CA. (the puffy one in matrix)

Astrodaspis tumidis- miocene, Pine mountain, Ojai, CA (is this the same place as that from above?)

so if anyone wants one PM


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