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This Is Just Flat-out Weird.


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They look like heavily weathered ammonites to me. Where were they found?



Geologists on the whole are inconsistent drivers. When a roadcut presents itself, they tend to lurch and weave. To them, the roadcut is a portal, a fragment of a regional story, a proscenium arch that leads their imaginations into the earth and through the surrounding terrain. - John McPhee

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Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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'Fraid I don't think they can be ammonites, since they were found in Quail Ridge Creek, Gainesville, Florida.

They are odd, though, eh?


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looks like inside mold of scallop or pectin or something bivalvy

Not too familiar with what's in your area, but is it possible that it's a phosphate nodule with a bivalve "mold"? It almost looks like another piece of shell is attach to the lower left on the wide shot. My compliments on your improved photos.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Not too familiar with what's in your area, but is it possible that it's a phosphate nodule with a bivalve "mold"? It almost looks like another piece of shell is attach to the lower left on the wide shot. My compliments on your improved photos.

I'm not sure if we have such a thing, I don't see why we wouldn't, though- we have practically everything else lol..

I'll get a picture of the lower left area for you and thanks!

@Tracer: Sounds practical enough, and likely..


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