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Weird Thang Inside Missisippian Chert

Ron E.

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Found this in chert a couple of years ago, before I finally admitted to myself that fossil hunting was my own personal midlife crisis :rolleyes:

post-1880-1249335098_thumb.jpg post-1880-1249335109_thumb.jpg post-1880-1249335283_thumb.jpg post-1880-1249335294_thumb.jpg

A super-geeky cyberpal, who's too much of a Luddite to join any forums, theorized that it was a weathered crinoid calyx. Observations, anyone?

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No way I could trace it's family tree (if it has one).

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Found this in chert a couple of years ago, before I finally admitted to myself that fossil hunting was my own personal midlife crisis :rolleyes:

A super-geeky cyberpal, who's too much of a Luddite to join any forums, theorized that it was a weathered crinoid calyx. Observations, anyone?

It is actually the inside mold of a crinoid calyx. Weathered? The calyx probably disolved away before the specimen was exposed. This is not unusual in the chert in the Burlington Limestone so I will assume that it also occurred in the formation this specimen came from. It looks like a Physetocrinus to me, but not 100% sure.


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It is actually the inside mold of a crinoid calyx. Weathered? The calyx probably disolved away before the specimen was exposed. This is not unusual in the chert in the Burlington Limestone so I will assume that it also occurred in the formation this specimen came from. It looks like a Physetocrinus to me, but not 100% sure.


Thanks, crinus :D

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