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Tooth In Jaw

Frank Menser

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This one measures a little over an inch. What my camera could not capture are traces of banding in the tooth. Unfortunately, this one went through a rough time before I found it so most of the tooth is missing or worn. I am thinking Mos since I have found several Mos teeth there.

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This and one other attachment aren't working.

Try re posting the picture please. :)

Dave Bowen

Collin County, Texas.

Paleontology: The next best thing to time travel.

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For some fool reason the pic s from my previous threads were showing up on this. It looked fine when i posted this but....sorry bout that! :faint:

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Sawtooth fish?

-----"Your Texas Connection!"------

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Not a mosasaur tooth - it's Enchodus. But it certainly is a tooth attached to a jaw fragment.

Thanks Carl. That was my second guess on this as I could not make out a seperation of the root, but wasn't sure if the detail was lost to erosion damage. So I guess this means probably there are remains of multiple Encodus at the site.


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