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How should I start my collection?

Bone guy

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Hey guys. Since I'm a new collector I'm looking for some advice. Would it be best to start my collection by buying bulk fossils? The one pictured bellow I'm considering and it has a couple neat things: dolphin jaw, alligator scute, meg tooth, etc. Or should I save for quality stuff right from the getgo?


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In the end the choice is - whatever makes You happy.


I would save and buy the best quality fossils I could afford, that way when You have been  collecting for a long time You will still have "good" pieces from when You started.


But then there is always self collecting, where You take what You can find.


Good luck either way,




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It's up to you. 

These are not particularly good specimens, but there is a bit of variety. 

Do you just want to start with numbers, or would you rather have a few quality specimens or maybe one exceptional piece? 

Some people are generalists, others tend to concentrate on a specific formation, or period or a certain group of invertebrates, vertebrates or plants. 

If it takes your eye and you can afford it, if it makes you happy, then go for it, or take your time and see what else is around that might make you happier still. 

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Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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I suppose it makes sense that I should get what makes me happy. To be truthful I don't want to be a fossil hoarder. So I guess I'll save for nicer stuff. 

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These are some pretty good fossils if you want a taste of the Miocene but I concur with other, money is better spent on some nicer or maybe less common specimens (and I’ve seen stuff from this seller for sale, usually a little overpriced). 

Happy hunting,


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Go out and collect your own. The chase for fossils while on a great hike can't be beat. If you let us know where you live, we can give suggestions of where to hunt. Nearly all of my favorite fossils are self collected.

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My goal is to leave no stone or fossil unturned.   

See my Arizona Paleontology Guide    link  The best single resource for Arizona paleontology anywhere.       

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Bone guy, I will send you some representative fossils from several Periods if you would like. PM me if you would like them.

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"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"_ Carl Sagen

No trees were killed in this posting......however, many innocent electrons were diverted from where they originally intended to go.

" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."__S. Holmes

"can't we all just get along?" Jack Nicholson from Mars Attacks

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The best way to start a collection is by reading. Even the internet alone is a great resource. Find all the material you can on the species you want to collect and read it (description and redescription papers of species in particular are very useful if available), do image searches to see as many specimens of those species as possible, and pursue the best specimens you can armed with that knowledge. Also make best use of this forum by looking over threads/galleries here and pay particular attention to the 'Is it fake?' subforum when considering common items from that famous large E-website.



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So we all probably started by finding a few fossils some how and catching the fever. Then it becomes a quest to find better ones whether on the hunt or purchased.

I have found that the ones that I find seem very special and hold a special place in my collection over even the best purchased one. Not to say that

buying is bad as that is the only way to obtain certain specimens.  The ones that I have been graciously given to me also hold that special place.

Over time as your collection grows you probably will trade some for others.  You may also give them to new comers like Herb has offered up to you.

Pay it forward as the saying goes. It is a fantastic way to introduce new people to the hobby.  I especially like to give kids fossils in hopes that it will spark

the scientist in them. But in the end it is what makes you happy.


Do read all you can here on the forum and what may be available from your local area.  The Geological Survey will help guide you to the period of rock

and the fossils you may be looking for.  Ask questions here as these members are very helpful and forthcoming. Good luck in your quest and new hobby.

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7 hours ago, Bone guy said:

I suppose it makes sense that I should get what makes me happy. To be truthful I don't want to be a fossil hoarder. So I guess I'll save for nicer stuff. 

Sounds like you've made your decision. Go for it.


Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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9 hours ago, DPS Ammonite said:

Go out and collect your own. The chase for fossils while on a great hike can't be beat. If you let us know where you live, we can give suggestions of where to hunt. Nearly all of my favorite fossils are self collected.

I live in Georgia, and I only moved here a few years ago so I'm not particularly sure of the best places to get my own fossils. 

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Do not save for quality stuff from the get-go.


You can get bulk fossils, or low-average quality material at the start. Through this, you will find yourself gravitating towards certain fossils (e.g. dinosaurs, fish, trilobites, megalodon...).


Once you've found your niche, you can start saving up for the better stuff :)

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Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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I started by collecting everything I could. As I started running out of room I narrowed down my collection to things that I found the most interesting, I’m still doing that now. My current collection is ichthyosaur, dino teeth and British ammonites. I might start trading/selling my ammonites this year as I’m really interested in teeth and the ichthyosaur stuff. Most of my teeth are bought as they’re difficult/rare in the UK and a fair amount of my ichthyosaur collection is self found. :) welcome to the forum. 

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Welcome to TFF.

I would start collecting your own fossils. But when you buy fossil on auction sites, make sure you get a accurate location where the fossil was found. If you are not shure about  a fossil you have spotted please posted it on TFF and ask questions. Plenty of good advice here.   


Good luck bobby

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I'd buy one or two things that interest you now that aren't all too expensive to spark your interest but then save up and buy the nicest fossil that interest you that you can afford.  It may be better to come home with one really nice fossil than ten smaller ones.  Over a few years your collection will be much more impressive if you have half a dozen high quality things and this will display much nicer in your home than a hundred small broken fragments of things.

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