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Any good hunting spots in North FL?


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Hey there! 

We live in North FL and travel to Venice several times a year to visit family. I spend a good majority of my time in Venice hanging out at the beach with my kids, hunting for teeth and other fossils. We have such a good time and I would love to find some spots where I can take them to hunt for fossils closer to home. Anybody here have any suggestions? Preferably near the big bend area.


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It would help if you stated where in North Florida you are. That covers a big area.

Also scroll down this site and there is a topic called fossil locations. Find Florida and take a gander for areas around you.

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Tallahassee area, specifically. But I’m open to sites within an hour or two for day trips. 

Thanks for the tip, Caldigger.

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I'm always hearing about Gainsville and countues north of there like Taylor County and Gilchrist. Theres got to be spots within a reasonable drive from you.

It all depends on what you are looking for. If land spots than you might have some luck. Not sure you will find much of anything on the beaches up there but beautiful white sand.

Hopefully, some others on here more in the know will chime in soon.


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almost any open area under construction around Venice has Plio/Pleistocene fossil shells, Yankeetown fishing area, Marianna area.

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"_ Carl Sagen

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" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."__S. Holmes

"can't we all just get along?" Jack Nicholson from Mars Attacks

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Thanks, y’all! I wish we lived in Venice. You can literally dig a hole in the yard and find fossils here! I found a dozen shark’s teeth in my mom’s flower bed. Lol! Hopefully we can find some fun spots back home. Fossil hunting has been such a fun way to entertain my dirt-loving boys. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2018 at 9:33 AM, DaniBandani said:

Fossil hunting has been such a fun way to entertain my dirt-loving boys. 

What boys dont like digging in the dirt? Especially if there is something neat to find in it.


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I'm curious as well. Have some free days next week, if anyone knows a solid spot especially with walkable (not just diving for) marine Eocene vertebrate deposits I'd be deeply appreciative :)


Otherwise I'll just try Gainesville 

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I’m also in Tallahassee. Let me help you out with what I know from my experience looking for fossils in this area. Disclaimer: I’d also appreciate any advice or help with fossil locations/rivers/creeks that have or believe can produce megs. 


I have checked every construction site I come across. I work in different locations. Basically from Panama City area over to I-75 east.  I have never found a tooth at any site I’ve been to. I’ve even checked areas being dredged along the coast. Lost of. Nice she’ll fossils, but no big teeth. It’s very disappointing as I’ve had to do some crazy stuff to get into some of these construction areas. I still keep checking though. I’ve found teeth in places that the people that owned it said they couldn’t be found. But not land sites around the Tallahassee area. You name the recent construction site and I can tell you where it was, where the piles were situated and where the digging was done. 


I have found that that there are a couple of rivers that hold teeth, the Apilachicola river has been the most productive. It hold a fast current and a jagged ancient coral bottom though. Have to be careful. You’ll need a boat or kayak to navigate to a workable location. I’ve also seen some gators in that river that would easily get into the double digit numbers. No megs, but decent teeth if you find a pocket.


Since I spend a lot of time driving for work, I’ve got to check out many tiny creeks and streams and have yet to find a meg or even a fragment. My friends and fiancé think I’m obsessed (they’d be right). I’ve walked so many creeks and streams just to come home empty handed/mosquito bitten/cuts/bruises/exhausted and covered in sweat and mud. It’s really cool when you can finally find fossils that no one told you about or that people told you couldn’t or wouldn’t hold anything. It’s a lot of trial and error. Lots or error. Lots of snakes and mud. 


If if you have a kayak, maybe we can hunt the river or take a tiny trip south for some peace river action. 

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5 hours ago, Nate815 said:

I’m also in Tallahassee. Let me help you out with what I know from my experience looking for fossils in this area. Disclaimer: I’d also appreciate any advice or help with fossil locations/rivers/creeks that have or believe can produce megs.


Hi Nate,

Not too much advice. I am a spoiled hunter from SW Florida (because I live close (enough) to the Peace River), but I WILL be in your area around Thanksgiving.  My son has a place just south of St Augustine.

Did you check out this post?  Some of the replies made me hopeful, but they are dated....  Jack


The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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