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Fl Phosphate Mine Question


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anybody know if the phosphate mine of sr 62 in fl is part of the bone valley phosphate mine. are people aloud in to seach for teeth

UnDeRgRoUnD Fossil Club.

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I lived in Florida for 21 years and lived by the mines. They do not allow anyone in even if you signed a waiver due to liability. I have contacted them and tried to but they always have the same response. The only way you will ever get into any mines down in Florida is if you know someone that works there and is high up in the rankings.

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Guest Smilodon
anybody know if the phosphate mine of sr 62 in fl is part of the bone valley phosphate mine. are people aloud in to seach for teeth

To my knowledge, there is only a handful of private collectors that are allowed in the mines. Clubs , occasionally used to be let in but I think that's stopped. The other thing is that as the best phosphate areas have been mined over the years. the best fossil hunting has declined too. I am blessed to know a collector who can get in some mines anytime. Whenever I visit we go, but the pickings are slimmer and slimmer.

Having said that, it's my favorite place to hunt in the U.S.

Were I you and lived in Florida, I'd check out every place with new or old construction in fact, any hole in the ground. What a fossil wonderland.

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To my knowledge, there is only a handful of private collectors that are allowed in the mines. Clubs , occasionally used to be let in but I think that's stopped. The other thing is that as the best phosphate areas have been mined over the years. the best fossil hunting has declined too. I am blessed to know a collector who can get in some mines anytime. Whenever I visit we go, but the pickings are slimmer and slimmer.

Having said that, it's my favorite place to hunt in the U.S.

Were I you and lived in Florida, I'd check out every place with new or old construction in fact, any hole in the ground. What a fossil wonderland.

I just got back from Florida and have been told that no one is supposed to be collecting in the mines - not even employees. Last year, one of the mines did allow a small group from a fossil club to collect but only in a small area. There are several mines in the Polk County area and sa few farther north but I believe most of the Polk County ones are now owned by the same company. Your friend is very lucky to have permission.

Years ago, I went on a couple a trips with a collector who had a permit and I filled a couple of sandwich bags with teeth each time, also finding a few megalodon (had cross the country to find my first complete one). That's the easiest collecting I've ever experienced. Oh look, a shark tooth on the surface. I also picked up a few Miocene horse teeth (Nannipus and Neohipparion), a few croc teeth, and half a camel tooth.

Yeah, one of my my friends there always says to check out any construction areas if you can get permission. One time, I was allowed to check out a dump pile. I found a few small shark teeth and one guy found a complete camel astragulus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MOSAIC is the new owners and they let the local rock and fossils clubs into limited areas and there is a wait list to go. I live in Plant City and the southern half of the town works there or retired from the mines, kingsford ,4 corners ,brewster etc. You want little sharks teeth go to any railroad track and pick them up by the dozens, I`ve done that all my life, they fall from the phosphate cars. They have even fired employess for fishing the pits, a privledges for decades ....no more.I too have connections in the managment and have had access to certain areas but they dont play anymore, they even have their own patrolling force and they will take you to court. mosaic sucks

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