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Need Location Suggestions For Jurrasic Coast, Uk


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I normally hunt in Texas, in Cret. period stuff near Fort Worth.

I've found myself in England for awhile, and heard of something called the Jurassic Coast.

It runs along the South, and there are towns nearby like Dorset and Bournemouth.

I will be travelling from Bedford with a friend who has never done this before.

Can anybody recommend some easy locations to go look for some neat stuff?

I'd like to get a good ammonite, but would take anything that was nice and distinct.



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Have a look on this website, I think it could help you http://www.ukfossils.co.uk/atoz.htm



Pareidolia : here

Ma bibliothèque PDF 1 (Poissons et sélaciens récents & fossiles) : ici
Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
Mâchoires sélaciennes récentes : ici
Hétérodontiques et sélaciens : ici
Oeufs sélaciens récents : ici
Otolithes de poissons récents ! ici

Un Greg...

Badges-IPFOTH.jpg.f4a8635cda47a3cc506743a8aabce700.jpg Badges-MOTM.jpg.461001e1a9db5dc29ca1c07a041a1a86.jpg


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Hi there, I went to Lyme Regis a couple of weeks ago and spent two whole days looking for stuff betweem there and Charmouth. Only fouind a few Prom's there. I must advise you that ii is the wrong time of year to go collecting along this site as there were litterally hundreds of kids roaming the beach all armed with hammers and hitting everything in site, including each other. My advice would be to go and visit the many fossil shops in Lyme. They will all tell you the same thing: come back in the winter, after a heavy storm. Thats when they go collecting, when there are fewer people about and when fresher stuff has been eroded from the cliffs. If you must go collecting now then Black Vein to Charmouth is your best bet for ammonites, but the locals and the beach wardens dont like you any where near the cliffs where you find the best stuff! Anyway, good luck!

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grommit...... I find stuff there all the time regardless of the time of year, although you do tend to get an audience during this time of year which can be off putting if your swinging a 12lb sledge hammer and running out of breath.... check out my latest/recent finds thread..,my last find was a double nautilus and a very rare ammonite called sulciferites... Ive never been asked what im doing or stopped by a warden yet, maybe they are just in the main 'touristy' bits.... I collect mainly on Monmouth beach, although Seatown to Goldencap always chucks up some nice fossils, bone and ammonites and a little less 'hamered and trampled ' than Charmouth.... holly's given you a link to a good website for specific localities along that stretch of coast, the rest is up to you putting the time in and learning what to look for....

Before I specialised in collecting specific areas, I have been to Bedford collecting fossils from the Brickworks ;)

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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