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Need help understanding fossil laws of Slovenia


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Hello, I am new here. I have a question regarding fossil laws of Slovenia if anybody would be willing to help, although I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this. I was reading what I believe to be the majority of the laws regarding fossils on this link here, but I am not sure I understand it correctly. From what I read fossils are the property of the state but later on it seems to mention individuals being allowed to take minerals and fossils from nature for personal collections. It also mentions something about protected areas/notifying the ministry and the exportation of fossils that I didn't fully understand. I am assuming that the laws are leaning more towards fossil collecting not being legal, but I would appreciate if somebody who understands laws better than me could read through it, using ctrl F "fossils" or something like that and give me a second opinion by telling me what their understanding of these laws is.

Edited by Flakipi
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I think it would be wise to call whoever regulates it, I don’t know who that would be but many countries have a department of natural resources or a ministry of antiquities.

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Looks perfectly clear to me, you can collect unless they don't want you to and the law can be made to say both. Check with a local society or museum what regulations are actual and current. Working from those ones you will go round in circles until you take up knitting instead of collecting.

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You can collect fossils and minerals. However, you must follow all regulations/laws and ask permission from the state first.


Article 74 allows the state to control all mineral and fossil collecting. You connot collect anything until you first ask the state. Assuming "finds" means all sizes of finds; individual and commercial-sized. Paragraph 1 of article 74 states:

"(1) A finder shall notify mineral or fossil finds to the ministry. At the same time the finder shall protect the find from destruction, damage or theft."


Further paragraphs in article 74 say that the state may give you permission to collect fossils and minerals. Without permission you cannot collect for any reason including personal collections. 


Further restrictions are placed on collecting fossils and minerals that are "valuable natural features."


@Flakipi You may have to read article 74 in the original language of the state to see if "finds" means all finds or just commercial-sized finds. 



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