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Fossil Ridge, Colorado?

Sagebrush Steve

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The recent discussions about fossil hunting at Douglas Pass and Florissant, Colorado, caused me to call up Google Maps to see where they are.  Lo and behold, as I was scrolling across the map, I came across a geographical feature near Gunnison called “Fossil Ridge.”  Well,with a name like that I thought I should find out more about it.  But an Internet search hasn’t helped much.  So far all I’ve found out is that it is part of a wilderness area with hiking trails and that it is “a high, exposed ridge of Paleozoic carbonates that contain epeiric sea fossils.”  But nothing more about the fossils themselves.  Anyone know anything about it?  At an elevation of 13,000 feet and a hike of at least several miles, it isn’t something you would want to do if the fossils weren’t interesting.




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Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Sawatch Range, Colorado 


GSA Bulletin (1944) 55 (3): 303-378.


Should help. Sorry I do not have a download for you. Id check fruitbats library for any corrilating papers or articles.

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...I'm back.

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38 minutes ago, WhodamanHD said:

Been absent as of late. 


Yup...still good to let him know he's needed.

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"I am glad I shall never be young without wild country to be young in. Of what avail are forty freedoms without a blank spot on the map?"  ~Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) 


New Mexico Museum of Natural History Bulletins    


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