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Snakes At Texoma


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Again, have to disagree in part. If the opportunity is there to run - they will. However, as you pointed out, they are a slow snake, so if no cover is close by they will usually stand their ground.

Frank, I tend to agree with Barry on this. It seems most other water snakes, in Texas, will bolt at the first sign of movement. I've encountered a lot cottonmouths through the years, and most of them weren't in a hurry to go anywhere. Although none had tattoos, I could've sworn I heard a few say, "you wanna piece 'o me, cause I'm not movin'". However, I agree with you that, in general, they seem tolerate a lot before they become aggressive...a behavior that has saved my hide on more than one occasion. ;)

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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I think I mentioned above that some western snakes tend to be a bit more persnickety than their eastern Brothers. Not mumuch experience with Texas snakes on their own turf (they all hid when I visited your state). But in the everglades there's many the time I have seen sizeable mocs run for cover in the tall grass-like I said, if there's cover they will hide.

Racrs are another notorious "charging" snake. This was also discussed on another thread. They do dart at people for the same reason water snakes do...and they also have a strong curiosity. Love those guys.. :wub:

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As a duck hunter i've had mocassins try to come into the boat with us before (thank goodness for boat oars). I've also had em strike at me (thank goodness for 3" #6 shot). I don't go around looking for snakes to kill by any means (nor do I condone it) but those suckers are just downright honory sometimes. I had a deer lease in Blackwell, TX (outside Sweetwater) for about 5 years and the rattlesnakes there were much easier to get along with.

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well, anthropomorphism and all that aside, i just don't want any critters reading these kind of posts on the board to get the impression that we humans are going too soft on ya'll. so here's the deal - if'n any of you critters try to kill me for any reason, please understand that i don't care what the reason is and i'm not gonna take the time to try to figure out what the reason is. it don't matter what the reason is, because you're tryin' to kill me. so my response is gonna be something along the lines of "blam! blam!...blam! blam! blam!" and then i'll loudly yell, "stop, or i'll shoot!" so's any witnesses will be positive that you drew first...

love ya'll, but i'm just sayin...

oh, and since it's a crime to waste game, if you're game i'm maybe gonna eat ya, but it's nothing personal.

i don't hunt, ya'll. we're just talkin' self defense here. yeah, i've heard all that talk about how i's in they's habitat and all, but they's in my habitat, is how i sees it. if i can get there, then it's my habitat. i'm an aminal too.

hey, um, gatorman, is this too political, prolly? i mean, to me it's kinda talkin' about how to operate in the fossil boonies, but still, don't want to offend the offensibilitinesses of anybody who's never almost been lunch before. but don't get me wrong. my dang cat's snoring behind me and i haven't slapped him or nothing. i love aminals.

gatorman, i'm prolly gonna leave all deadly gators alone, in honor of you, but i did read that gator attacks is fatal 3 times as often as shoark acattks, so yer askin' a lot. but any gators readin' might oughta understand that sometimes in the heat of a moment i change my mind, plus i've been known to lie a lot. (now that wasn't true.)

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As a duck hunter i've had mocassins try to come into the boat with us before (thank goodness for boat oars). I've also had em strike at me (thank goodness for 3" #6 shot). I don't go around looking for snakes to kill by any means (nor do I condone it) but those suckers are just downright honory sometimes. I had a deer lease in Blackwell, TX (outside Sweetwater) for about 5 years and the rattlesnakes there were much easier to get along with.

When these 'Moccasins' were swiming over to climb in your boat, how much of the body was above the surface? No offence, but this is a story I have heard many many many times and almost always the culprit turns out to be a mis-ided water snake.

Not that a swiming Moc wouldn't mistake a boat for a log, but they are a misnamed snake in that they really aren't a 'Water' Moccasin, prefering the banks where they catch their food.

Mocs can be recognised in the water from a distance by the fact that their body tends to float on the surface where a water snake will swim with just its head above water. If in doubt, take a pic and I will gladly ID it for you.

As for all this striking behavior, again that is typical of a harmless water snake. But then if someone was flailing an oar at my head i'd be ornery too.. :wacko:

Save your ammo. Sounds to me like you are wasting it on harmless snakes. Besides, as you said, you have an oar to divert it safely. Its really not attacking you. just wants to get out of the water.

Be true to the reality you create.

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