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Triassic Vert (Coelophysis?)


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Hello all,


I just picked up this pretty vert and am not quite sure about the ID. The seller advertised it as Coelophysis, but it doesn't seem to be a match. It's from Bull Canyon formation, Quay County, New Mexico (Upper Triassic). It measures 2 1/2".


The seller provided good pictures, so I've attached some of those. I can provide more and even take some of my own if needed!


Thanks, and hopefully we can figure out an ID on this one!






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This is a beautiful acquisition! :) 


Id vouch for coelophysis. It's the right size, plus the shape somewhat matches. Let others give their opinions, because I don't know much about these. @Troodon 

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Brandon beat me to it, so I will second the compliment of it being a very nice specimen. :wub:

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Thank you for the replies and kind words. If anyone is able to share any pictures/papers on other theropods from the same formation, it would be greatly appreciated!




Pictures of other theropod verts, that is.


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Meatasaurus has seen these photos so this is primarily for others.   It's not Coelophysis but what is the question.


This is what dorsal vertebrae look like in Coelophysis.  The entire series Dorsal 11 through 23 are about equal in length.  Key features to compare against: the most striking feature are the very short neural arches and very rectangular, the posterior zygapophyses are more laterally faced,  a very round centrum.  None of these compare well with Meatasaurus specimen.

In addition Coeolophysis bauri is not known from the Bull Canyon Formation and only described in North America from the Ghost Ranch fauna of the Rock Point Formation




20th the Dorsal




Sketal econstruction of Coelophysis



Photos and info from  publication "The Triassic Dinosaur Coelophysis" Bulletin 57 of the Museum of Northern Arizona

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