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Trading Sharkteeth From Belgium/netherlands


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Hello everybody,

Because I can't post in the trade forum, I'll post here.

I collect already several years fossil sharkteeth from Belgium and the Netherlands, but I don't have that much teeth from other country's.

America have some very nice locations with very nice teeth so I was wondering of somebody could trade some American teeth ( Lee Creek , Nort Coralina (red site) , Georgian , Bone Valley, ...) , Chilean teeth or Peruvian teeth,... against the teeth from my region.

I have many species availble.

Some of them are

- Squantina sp

- Squalus sp.

- Isurus Hastalis

- Isurus Oxyrhinus

- Isurus Retroflexus

- Isurus Escherie

- Cetorhinus sp.

- Carcharinus Acanthodon

- Galeocerdo Aduncus

- Carcharoides Catticus

- Carcharias Vorax

- Carcharias sp.

- Notorynchus Primigenius

- Parotodus Benedeni (only 1 , they are so rare!)

- Hexanchus Gigas ( those are also rare)

- Ray teeth

- Dolphin teeth

- Fish teeth

- ...

The teeth I teeth are good or perfect preserved.

If you are interested, just contact me!

If you want pictures , also contact me.

It is also possible to make a package with ervery species (or the most species) from my region.

So you can have a mini-collection from Belgium!

Best greetings,


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