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What caused the forming of this rock??


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This rock has so many different formations, like it's been glued together. Can someone tell me how this can be melted in several places with such odd formation?




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Looks like a piece of weathered limestone or dolomite, with a bunch of bits of shell or pebbles that have more resistance to weathering and make a rough surface.

Carbonite rocks are very susceptible to chemical weathering and can take very weird shapes. This is what creates most natural caverns.

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4 hours ago, ynot said:

Looks like a piece of weathered limestone or dolomite, with a bunch of bits of shell or pebbles that have more resistance to weathering and make a rough surface.

I think, ynot is spot on!

Your rock looks very, very similar to the weathered, fossiliferous limestone clast in my rudist hunting area (St. Bartholomä formation, Styria, Austria).

Franz Bernhard

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7 hours ago, Ksgal said:

It's a ashtray!! Lol. 

Where are the ashes supposed to go?


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Seems pretty cumbersome for an ashtray and hardly worth the effort!  And it must be a real pain to clean out.

I think a shot glass would be a better choice for an ashtray.


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Congrats on a new object for scale - the golfball! 

“Beautiful is what we see. More beautiful is what we understand. Most beautiful is what we do not comprehend.” N. Steno

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