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I hope I'm putting this question in the right place. I'm not the best at figuring out geologic maps so could use some help knowing where the site I'm going to describe is.



My interest is in section 19 of the above map. I've got it marked with Google Earth placemark in an enlarged view of section 19.




A close up:




Thanks to anyone who might help me with this.


"Journey through a universe ablaze with changes" Phil Ochs

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I circled where I think you are and agree Cottonwood Limestone member of the Council Grove Group.   Permian   

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Just a minute there, Ms Innocentx. What is in this formation, hmmmmmm? (If you can't say I will understand) :)


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Hi @Walt. I think it's an area where water was shallow at one time, and probably there was shoreline nearby. I'm attempting to document my theory with fossil record. Just want to make sure I know formation name.

"Journey through a universe ablaze with changes" Phil Ochs

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47 minutes ago, Walt said:

Shame.  I was prepared for quite the adventure (albeit vicariously).  :D

It ain't over yet. I'll give you a heads up when I figure this out.

"Journey through a universe ablaze with changes" Phil Ochs

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Thanks, @Bullsnake. KGS maps down to the county and then section. I'm lucky to have such a resource in my state.

"Journey through a universe ablaze with changes" Phil Ochs

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