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Italy Trip Suggestions


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Fossil Forum Family,


Soon I’ll be making a trip over to southern Italy (in the Apulia and then Sicily Catania area) .  Don’t know what my trip will consist of because I’m always all over the place when I’m there...but in the event I have some time to kill,  does anybody have any suggestions for any cool dino activities, like must see footprints, fossils, museums, etc?  I was thinking of making a trip to Altamura,  where I hear that there are many dinosaur tracks to see. I may also make a trip over to Naples. I hear it has a cool dino museum there. 


Lastly, anyone know of any cool areas for fossil hunting/collecting ? (Namely Mesozoic fossils) 


Thanks everyone 

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Hope You have fun on Your trip.

Can not help with the activities, but I have heard it is illegal to collect fossils in Italy.

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4 minutes ago, ynot said:

Hope You have fun on Your trip.

Can not help with the activities, but I have heard it is illegal to collect fossils in Italy.

Thank you and thanks for the tip...could’ve gotten ugly for me lol

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15 minutes ago, Troodon said:

Have Fun and the only activity that I can support when Im there is:    images.jpeg.1f60debc347fc348879ffdebc8802c41.jpeg

What? Basket weaving?

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22 minutes ago, Troodon said:

Have Fun and the only activity that I can support when Im there is:    images.jpeg.1f60debc347fc348879ffdebc8802c41.jpeg

Some nice Chianti :dinothumb: ahah thank you Frank! Let’s not forget the amazing food as well !!

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5 minutes ago, Masp said:

Some nice Chianti :dinothumb: ahah thank you Frank! Let’s not forget the amazing food as well !!

Hey at least we have one smart one in the bunch, I think ynot needs some help..:D gets confused not a mineral or shark tooth

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Maybe this will help ynot develop a more accurate perception:




A nice stuffed calmari dish!  See!  Those cephalopods really ARE good for something besides gracing a collector's shelf!  A good medium-bodied chianti would go great with this!  It would certainly be better than having it with a census-taker's liver and some fava beans! :D



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Illigitimati non carborundum

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If you are around southern Italy you can check out Stromboli. It is a small, volcanic island off the coast of Sicily. The most active volcano in the world I believe. :D

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If you have a chance, there's some really nice fossil material at the Civic Museum of Natural History of Milan. Even better, at the Archaeological Superintendence of Salerno, you can see the original holotype specimen of Scipionyx samniticus, a compsognathid fossil that has preserved internal organs...

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Opalised fossils are the best: a wonderful mix between paleontology and mineralogy!


Q. Where do dinosaurs study?

A. At Khaan Academy!...


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34 minutes ago, DanKurek said:

If you are around southern Italy you can check out Stromboli. It is a small, volcanic island off the coast of Sicily. The most active volcano in the world I believe. :D

 I was actually there last year believe it or not because I was in Lipari which is right next-door. It was really awesome!

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29 minutes ago, The Amateur Paleontologist said:

If you have a chance, there's some really nice fossil material at the Civic Museum of Natural History of Milan. Even better, at the Archaeological Superintendence of Salerno, you can see the original holotype specimen of Scipionyx samniticus, a compsognathid fossil that has preserved internal organs...

 Usually I fly into Milan so that would be  convenient for me, :( but this time around I’m only going to be in the south so I’m not going to have time to travel north unfortunately 

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15 minutes ago, Masp said:

 I was actually there last year believe it or not because I was in Lipari which is right next-door. It was really awesome!

You've actually seen the real Scipionyx. :envy:

I'd really love to go and see it...

Opalised fossils are the best: a wonderful mix between paleontology and mineralogy!


Q. Where do dinosaurs study?

A. At Khaan Academy!...


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1 hour ago, Masp said:

 I was actually there last year believe it or not because I was in Lipari which is right next-door. It was really awesome!

Cool! Very beautiful place. My grandparents actually were from Stromboli beforr they moved to Australia. Hope to visit the island one day :)

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1 hour ago, The Amateur Paleontologist said:

You've actually seen the real Scipionyx. :envy:

I'd really love to go and see it...

Haha  sorry maybe I worded wrong.  Unfortunately I have never seen Scipionyx yet... I’ve been to Milan so any times and even lived there...and still never went to this museum!  But I’m definitely going to make a point :dinothumb:

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Italy's fun. Never found a fossil there but the food is spectacular. Museums often focus on regional paleo; there are amazing fishes at Monte Bolca and Padova, for example, and there are some neat dinosaurs in the museums in Bergamo and Trieste, but these are all mostly pretty small museums.


As others have said, private collection is not legal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to go to any dino museums :(   On the brightside, I travel to Italy a good amount, so at some point I will make it to the museums! 


 Somehow this turned into an archaeological trip,  which in the end didn’t surprise me because Italy is good for that; there’s history everywhere you turn. 


 I know TFF is for fossil related activites... but I’m going to share some of the pictures from my trip here anyway.  They correspond. The first set is from an archaeological site, thousands of years ago from the first indigenous people of Sicily. Some fossils of mammals have been excavated there.  In fact, I managed to take home some goodies (with permission) that I’ll share after I clean them off. The second set of pictures will just be all of food lol. Some nice cephalopods for you all lol. Lots and lots of squid eating on this trip. 

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 This area consisted of a temple and religious ground.  People lived here and all sorts of mammals inhabited the area. All sorts of things are shown from stone use to metal use eventually. Many neolithic tools were found there. Bronze age, etc. If you go to the museum, you can see the transition from basic to more advanced tools. 




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 The first picture shows you some of the mammals present.  The second picture consist of fossils of mammal teeth and bones, most are horse. Then we see some of the beautiful pottery work, mostly greek and roman influenced. 






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