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Yet Another Unidentified


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Found in a river in north eastern Illinois. Im assuming some type of coral? But it also seems like other things are mixed in.



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i personally can't help with this id, but wanted to mention that sometimes a size reference can be a big help, so if you'll put a ruler or a quarter or something next to the fossil when you take pictures, occasionally it might help with the id.

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i personally can't help with this id, but wanted to mention that sometimes a size reference can be a big help, so if you'll put a ruler or a quarter or something next to the fossil when you take pictures, occasionally it might help with the id. My bold

That will not help members across the pond though. Not everyone knows the size of a quarter, or a 'something'. A ruler, or written size, is best.

KOF, Bill.

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www.ukfossils check it out.

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Well, it appears to me that the specimen is kind of beat up. IMO it could be a coral or it could be a branching type of Bryozoa. If it is a coral it is probably a tabulate Auloporid type. Even when I magnified the photo 200% I could not differentiate between a bryozoan and a cnidarian. If you have a copy or access toa copy of Moore, Lalicker and Fischer's, "Invertebrate Fossils", see page 130, fig. 4-19 (1a,B) for an example of an Aulopora tabulate coral.


The Eocene is my favorite

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Honestly, this sounds like a brilliant ID made by one who is quite sage, and that I respect a lot. Especially with the context of the the other ID's I have seen Solius make.

However, I have absolutely no idea what it means. Complete jiberish to me.

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Honestly, this sounds like a brilliant ID made by one who is quite sage, and that I respect a lot. Especially with the context of the the other ID's I have seen Solius make.

However, I have absolutely no idea what it means. Complete jiberish to me.

Do an Internet search for "Trepostomate bryozoan definition" and see what you get.



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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