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Bone Id From Casperson Beach,venice

Pool Man

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Hello all!, My buddy found this bone recently on one of our dives. It seems like a foot/toe bone of some kind.Probably pleistocene in age. The marks on the bone caught my eye. Could it be cut marks? Seems like to many to be from butchering, but they seem to be to uniform to be gnaw marks? Thanks for looking!


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It appears to be some kind of tarsal, and I agree that those look like cut marks.

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It is an interesting bone. Yet, one found out of context with a known site must be subject to closer scrutiny. For instance, why would there be so many "butchering" marks on such a small bone? It certainly more than would be required to process a kill. I'd be inclined to think it was the result of scavenging or abrasion; just a thought....

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Guest Smilodon

It appears to be some kind of tarsal, and I agree that those look like cut marks.

I'll leave the id to someone else - too eroded for me to tell. However, there is a difference between cut marks and butcher marks. You would have to be pretty darn hungry to butcher up a toe :P . And for gnaw marks, that would be one obsessive/compulsive critter. My guess is the marks were made by some mechanical means although I know not what. My 1 cent.

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I am not certain what animal is represented here. The bone appears to be metapodial -- it just seems too long to be a phalanx.

Cut marks will take the form of single "V" groove. Gnaw marks will be rounded and paired. Look at them under magnification.



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Oh man that is really cool because it has feeding damage on it. Dont ya just love them when you can see the marks of teeth on them. Very Cool bone! I would be trying to figure what ate it. :blink:

The best days are spent collecting fossils

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Looks like it might be a proximal phalanx from a camel, although it is too worn for me to tell for sure.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence".

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Thanks for all the replies! I do believe it may be from a camel, but definatly to worn for a positive ID. The marks on it definatly have a rounded look to them,under a 10x loop.Thanks to Harry for that bit of wisdom!

PS. Welcome to the Forum, RWhite!

Edited by Pool Man
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