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Guest Smilodon

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Love the chart wish there was one for areas that I collect. Amazing a single slab has fragments from 8 different trilo species. I think most I have is 4 on one matrix.

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Thanks for the plate caleb. That cephalopod texture is wild.

I beleive the genus is Cyrtoceras, it's not very often that we find them with the shell intact.

Love the chart wish there was one for areas that I collect. Amazing a single slab has fragments from 8 different trilo species. I think most I have is 4 on one matrix.

That chart was very useful when we started collecting the Platteville Fm. and I wish more papers had them.

I had thought there were 7 different ones and was amazed by that. While studying the piece for this post I found the Hypodicranotus hypostome partially hidden under a piece of shell which bumped it up to 8!

post-3840-0-75635400-1328030776_thumb.jpg post-3840-0-64157800-1328030800_thumb.jpg

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Pennsylvanian hash plates:

Middle Creek Limestone, Kansas City, Missouri:





Winterset Limestone, Clay County Missouri. Side view of hash 'plates':


Liberty Memorial Shale, Kansas City, Missouri:


Edited by Missourian

Context is critical.

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Very nice plates everyone! Thanks for sharing!

Here are a few of mine;

1. Hash plate

Formation ?

Original source - Research pit of Waco, TX

Age ?

2. Hash plate

Formation ?

Original source - Research pit of Waco, TX

Age ?







Edited by dudeman

Troy Nelson

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1.Horn Coral plate

Plateville Formation

Original source - Quarry west of Janesville, WI

Ordovician age






Troy Nelson

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Nice hash plates everyone! Very interesting. Thank you all for sharing. Here is one of mine.

A Upper Triassic/uppermost Norian hash plate with the aberrant Triassic ammonoid species Cochloceras suessi.



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How 'bout some bird-bone hash?


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"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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These are nice! I must admit I don't have many, but I have one half decent one. I'll get a pic tomorrow. I sadly have no idea on the location of this one, found it in the garden as a paving slab.

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I am guessing this would qualify as a Hash-Plate. It is a "Gob" of Belemnite from the Black Hills of South Dakota. I did not personally find it but I like it a lot.



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"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Confucius

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Nice Hash everyone! Here are a few of my best Hash pieces (or as I call them "creek rocks", since this is where I find them).

I assume this is all Ordovician in age, Platteville or Galena group in formation. (just a guess)

1.) has a brachiopod, with some wierd stuff on the backside. Not sure if this is the shell worn off, exposing the interior? or what?

2.) cool piece with lots going on.









Troy Nelson

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