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Washington Beach Oddity


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Has a cylinidrical shape and odd "ridges" or points on one end, has a "core" that is a different color running through the middle - sort of a rusty brown color and the outside is a whitish color. Found on beach in uppermost NW of Washington state.





You can be hit by a boat and die

You can be attacked by a shark and die

OR you could fall off the couch and die

GET OFF THE COUCH - go scuba!

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Having grown up in Tulsa, I know crinoids and this is nothing like any crinoid I have ever seen. However, the suggestion of a ground sloth tooth led me to do some research - totally looks like it could be a broken piece of one (with the root being that middle section) and that would account for the odd ridges on the one end BUT...my search led me to another interesting find - an article about fossils being sound on a San Diego beach of a western camel - see pic. The teeth look almost exactly like what I found. Compare. Thoughts?


You can be hit by a boat and die

You can be attacked by a shark and die

OR you could fall off the couch and die

GET OFF THE COUCH - go scuba!

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Brighter, sharper, closer pics will be needed. If your camera has a Macro setting, that (and better light) will help. Otherwise, to me it looks as much like a shrimp burrow as anything else :P

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