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Cuban Shark Teeth


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After seeing an initial reference to C. megalodon teeth from Cuba, authored (at least in part by Gordon Hubbell)

I quickly found the article on the web as a PDF document. I did not print the somewhat lengthy article at the

time since my printer was running out of ink. Now back with a new ink supply - I can't find the article. Perhaps

I'm just looking past the search results without seeing it - but nevertheless I can't relocate the document. In part

the paper describes and figures meg teeth from locations within Cuba. Can any of the other fossil shark fans on

The Fossil Forum point me in the right direction? Thanks.

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Hey T'Puller:

You nailed it! Thank you for your response. :D

This is what makes TFF such a great site. In most cases/subjects, there is someone out there who knows the answer and will provide a response. I still can't figure out why I could not again find the reference via a search. However, I should have had enough common sense to bookmark the site when first located. In any case, thank you for your help.


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no problem. I had forgotten to save this one to my library as well but managed to find it for us both :)

Hey T'Puller:

You nailed it! Thank you for your response. :D

This is what makes TFF such a great site. In most cases/subjects, there is someone out there who knows the answer and will provide a response. I still can't figure out why I could not again find the reference via a search. However, I should have had enough common sense to bookmark the site when first located. In any case, thank you for your help.


---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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