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Stigmaria Or Lepidodendron Deeper Layer?


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Last year I've found a specimen that looks like decorticated lepidodendron bark from front side and like stigmaria frome the back one. I thought that it's just overlapping of different part of the tree under the pressure.


Today I made some drawing exercises and got an impression that back side is depper layer of the lepidodendron bark, look:


Round scars on the back side looks like a stigmaria but lies according to diamond-shaped system. So, sometimes it's easy to confuse stigmaria and lepidodendron print you've got on found specimen.

Edited by RomanK
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Clever detective work; it is compelling evidence!

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“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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>May your wonders never cease!

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Clever detective work; it is compelling evidence!

Bearing in mind this conclusion I would assume that controversial bark discussed in my previuos post http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?showtopic=8578 can be identified as very decorticated lepidodendron or sigillaria bark that saved from leaf scars only 'feeding pipes' :)


Obviously we have to take into account some distortions on the specimen surface.

Edited by RomanK
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