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Collecting From a Large Source Rock


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Hey folks!


I had posted in the Fossil ID section regarding a little boi I had found some time ago, and a few of you guys really gave me the urge and confidence to go try my hand at some first time collecting of my own!


I read a few guides on this site, did some research, and intrepidly went wandering around a large public forest here in Ottawa; I had read some very old reports that there were some old exposed fossil rocks to be found there. After a lot of confused wandering, and almost calling  it quits as I was losing the light (and hope), I did eventually come across a very large rock poking out of the forest floor which was studded with spiral shelled fossils which were almost fist sized! The host rock was far too large for me to just drag out of the forest and I didn't manage to get any pictures as it was getting dark and spooky out, but I noted the spot and returned home.


My question is what do you guys think about the best practice for something like that would be? Leave it in-situ for future explorers to go see or have at a few sections of it with a hammer and chisel? I would love to take a few samples home and try my hand at preservation and presentation techniques, but I'm not sure whether removing parts of something like that would be considered poor form and my inner archaeologist cringes at the thought of removing items from their original context.


The rock in question was quite a ways off the beaten path however, and I doubt anyone would stumble across it out of sheer coincidence so I was thinking maybe chipping away at a few wouldn't be too damaging, but I would really like your much more informed opinions.


If the type of fossil/rock makes a difference in the final considerations I can go snap a picture or two the next time I have some free time!


(apologies if any of my terminology is erroneous or nonsensical, theres so much to learn!)

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I agree with the others, but sometimes the type of rock will dictate how it should be attacked.

If You post pictures of the rock We may be able to give You an idea of the best way to "whack it".



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Awesome, I'll try and get out there and snap a few pics next time I have a chance, maybe take a couple swings at it! Could be awhile though, we had a nasty snowfall here overnight </3.


Thank you all very much for the input, I really appreciate the help.

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