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Finally Made It To Wyoming

fossil man

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here are some pics from the stuff i got from wyoming, i will have to tell more about it later, but figured i better get the pics up now or i may forget




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are the last couple. i havent had a chance to do much prep yet, but hopefully soon. and some of my pics arent the best quality either.



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Looks like you got some nice stuff. Were they all personal finds? The fish look great...

Yes they were either found by me or my brother.

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i had trouble with the internet lastnight.

I had been looking at pics of kemmerer fish and blue forest all year long. I had originally talked to my cousin about going and she was pumped until about mid june and then she decided that she could not go. So then i turned to my brother and he was interested in going. So at 8pm on saturday August 15 we set out. We drove straight through. about the colorodo border until we left wyoming we never stoped seeing antelope. It took about 5 hours to get from the east side to the west side of wyoming. We arrived at farson wyoming about 2:30pm (their time)and started trying to find the blue forest. Insearch of county road 8, which there was several entrances and exits, and we got lost several times mainly due to the fact that every rise in the road, may be the hill that we were looking for and there is oil roads going every where. But we finally found the right entrance and after about 20 minutes of driving straight into the middle of no where, some determination, and serval guesses as to which road to take we arive to an area that looked like micro warheads had been tested. There was holes all over that area. We got out of the truck and just guessed where to dig, but the first hole was a waste. We moved about 75yd out and dug again this time i again got a dry hole but my brother found som wood. So i helped expand his hole. In a couple of hrs we had a 5gal bucket full of wood. We headed back to farson to go to the camp sight at the lake. We got to the lake about 6:00pm and it was windy and gettig cold. There was nobody there except a trailer on the lake and a tent behinde the dam. We camped behinde the dam because it was the only place that was out of the wind. We ate a sandwhich and got bundled up for bed. Everynight it frosted our tent. But with layers on layers we survied. The next morning we got up and headed to kemmerer. on the way seen signs that said "antelope entering at 55mph", luckily none of them tried to cut infront of me. We got to the quarry an hour late, they only stay open 8hrs, so we just did a half day trip. The manager but us next to a share digger and he was nice enough to allow us to dig in his area, cause if it wasnt for that i dont think we would have found near the fish we did. We met several nice people there and they were full of information. The quarry was great (except no t-shirts). We got back to camp and tried to fish but they would not hit anything, and even a couple of locals tried and couldnt get them to hit anything. So we tried to take a shower, but we could not get our water to heat up so we took rooks heated them up and put them in the water to heat it. It worked except that carbon from the fire had stained the rocks and came off once in the bucket so we had to strain with an old shirt, but there was still a bit of odor. So my brother went first and when he came out ok and not stinking i braved it. The next morning we got up and headed back (17-18 hours). Old dead things was a big help as far as how to back the fish and what to bring and what to expect. Over all it was a good but fast trip. I would love to go back as a share digger.

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Sorry I missed you Fossil Man, but it looks like you did quite well. It has been a little cold at the quarry at night. I've been digging the past three weeks. I'll be heading back for another couple of weeks on Monday. The guys at the quarry said they really enjoyed you and your brother. Maybe next time I'll be there on time.

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Sounds like serious determination on a wild road trip.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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What an adventure; I need something like that bad!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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What an adventure; I need something like that bad!

Me too if didn't have to put my knee in the shop I would pick you up on Monday.

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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Sounds like a great trip! Man, so the wood is really blue there? Wow :)

Does anyone know what mineral replaced the wood?

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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