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Abducted By Mosquitos In San Antonio


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I had the fossil itch today but didn't want to go too far so I stayed in town and decided to hike one of the new hiking trails along a greenbelt here in San Antonio. Much to my disappointment, the recent much-needed rains caused a mosquito explotion and today, I got attacked by the biggest blood suckers I have ever seen and I have never had them be this aggressive - it didn't matter how fast I was moving - they were landing and biting instantly and a couple times I was very nearly carried off. I left the few pieces of ironite and oyster fossils there having already too many of them in my collection already. I would like to go back when the weather is colder - this particular trail is connected to a creekbed where previously, I found a fossil horse tooth and ammonites. Too bad for today. I've got a new itch now - ouch!

You can be hit by a boat and die

You can be attacked by a shark and die

OR you could fall off the couch and die

GET OFF THE COUCH - go scuba!

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100% Deet for the win!

Seriously I never leave home without it, these Texas bugs just dont know how to say no.

Also and very curiously, depending on your blood type and how hard you breath can also trigger them. You wouldn't happen to be O negative?

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