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Short Trip


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Cris and I went on a late afternoon trip in Gainesville today, went to Hogtown creek and did a little recon. Both my cameras are dead at the moment so we decided to take the video camera along, and we have it all edited and layed out for all of you to laugh at.


I will also be putting this up on you tube but they are doing maintenance right now so i will wait till tomorrow.

Ok its up on you tube heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmP7MOmQCpY

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Well heck, that wasn't even worth posting... And I'm really not 100% sure that the horse tooth is Miocene. I know that there's more Miocene land mammal stuff found in that area that Pleistocene, but Pleistocene is also present.

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awesome little vid! its nice to see what sort of conditions your hunting in! i like it!


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The video was rather boring cuz we didn't find much, but I thought it had some entertainment value. Cris is just mad I put his poor parking on there :P and it was a lot worse than it looked and thats after he tried to fix it.

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Guest solius symbiosus

It looked like fun. When I saw the "Florida Waterfall" segment at the end, I thought we were going to see Cris fall in the creek. :D

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Cris and I went on a late afternoon trip in Gainesville today, went to Hogtown creek and did a little recon. Both my cameras are dead at the moment so we decided to take the video camera along, and we have it all edited and layed out for all of you to laugh at.


I will also be putting this up on you tube but they are doing maintenance right now so i will wait till tomorrow.

Ok its up on you tube heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmP7MOmQCpY

Hey Anson,, I would have loved to see the vidio, went to the you tube site, (first time ever) and found it very confusing. Also said i need some new flashplayer thingy. Ive only got a 56K modem so I wasnt aout to uplaod it to my computer. That would ahve taken till christmas!


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Even on dialup you can watch videos on you tube install the flash player it only takes a few minutes and watch the video its fairly entertaining.

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