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Good sites in Nanaimo

Jospeh N

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Hi Everyone,


    I'm Joseph and I am relatively new to the forum. From the east coast, raised in Ontario and now am in Nanaimo BC. I wish I took pictures of the fossils I collected in Ontario but I did not, so far on the island I found some fossilized leaves and a nice piece of quartz...I need more. Since I am a novice to the area, some good fossil  sites that were recommended on the internet include, Ammonite falls, Putledge river and a couple others I cant remember off the top of my head. However the issue is I don't have a car so it is difficult to travel to these sites. Does anyone know of any good shale deposits  near or within the city of Nanaimo or good fossil sites in general? I was also wondering if anyone wanted to make a group where several of us can travel to different sites and search for fossils on weekends?





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Welcome to the Forum. I'd be into the group collecting expeditions, possibly.. I'm down here just north of Duncan.

I'm hesitant to reveal the few sites I know of because of the tendency of the better sites to become overpicked and no longer be among the better sites! They are probably already well known but further mention might only exacerbate it.

Did you not manage to bring any of your Ontario fossil over with you?

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Nice to meet you Wrangellian. Sounds good to me, hopefully when the weather is better then it is right now we can plan for a group expedition on the island.


I left the fossils I had in Ontario at my parents place while i am here for school/work. It is a small collection but I have a couple of crinoids fossils, some various bivalves, a piece of a fern, etc. 





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