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I found out today that due to complications from the valley fever I am going back on medical leave. It looks like it will be for awhile so in anticipation of decreased income and increase expenses I've decided to do something that I just never do.....sell fossils. This has been a tough year with missing 4 months of work from Valley Fever, my best friend dying in July and not to mention losing quite a few potential friends on here because of false accusations. With that said things can only go up especially if you're proactive. Starting in a couple of days I will be posting some Lee Creek megs, Bone Valley Megs, and yes some STH Megs, Hastalis and planus. I still have some lesser STH stuff that I'll be giving to those that want a few.

Take Care,


Edited by FossilForKids

If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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I have created a separate forum for everyone to bid, buy, sell, and auction off stuff to help out our friend John.

Thanks Gator Man....I'm touched by your thoughtfulness.


If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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So we might as well get started......This STH Meg is from Bob Ernst land and I bought it from a reputable vendor. There are no repairs that I can see. It's right around 5" diagonally and is a very solid tooth. I will post more pictures soon. I will start the bidding at $750 with a buy now price of $1,000. The bidding will end Wed. Oct. 1st at 9:30 pm EST or if someone meets the buy it now price.




If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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I'd love to help you out John, but I don't have that kind of dough around :( Maybe I can help you out on future items.

I thought I would never sell fossils either, but when you get a few that are similiar, you find you like one more than the other (at least in my case).

I'll keep you in my thoughts :) and if you ever need someone to shoot the breeze with I'm a pm away :)

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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Thanks Phoenix. I'll have some really pretty Planus and Makos pretty soon that are reasonably priced.


If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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Here are some more items. First is the back of the meg and the size is just over 5" by tape measure. The next two pictures are of an allodesmus Canine tooth. The crown pop off and was glue back on. This is the norm for these teeth but it is the reason I am asking for $150 instead of $300. The last picture is a group of sea mammal teeth that I am offering at $150. The top tooth is either porpoise or a small delphinid. The large tooth below it has been called a prosqualodon but there is much debate about that. It is probably from a large Killer whale type sea mammel. The two teeth on the side are allodesmus "Cheek" teeth and the bottom tooth is from a prehistoric sperm whale. The group goes for $150.

Thanks John





If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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Here is a whopper of a Mako from Chile at 2 and 3/4 inches for $100 and some teeth (Mako at 2 1/2, 2 Chubs and 2 lower Makos) from VA. The whole group of VA teeth goes for $100.00




If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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oops I forgot the Mako! I'm not at my house now but I'll post it soon.


If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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The last picture is a group of sea mammal teeth that I am offering at $150. The top tooth is either porpoise or a small delphinid. The large tooth below it has been called a prosqualodon but there is much debate about that. It is probably from a large Killer whale type sea mammel. The two teeth on the side are allodesmus "Cheek" teeth and the bottom tooth is from a prehistoric sperm whale. The group goes for $150.

Thanks John


I'm sorry to hear that you are still suffering aftereffects of Valley Fever. George Lee had a deep cough from time to time even years after his bout with it but I haven't met anyone who had to stay home from work again months after going through it. From your posts and responses I now understand that there are different forms of it. Valley Fever has been said to be something that you can't get again after you've had it but they said that about chicken pox too.

Regarding the STH fossils in the last photo. I have never seen anyone put an ID on the small dolphin teeth. They are much like those of some modern forms but none of the modern genera were present that long ago. It's probably just a popular tooth-form for fish-and-squid eaters.

Teeth that look like the large tooth have been called "Squalodon" errabundus. I have the original description, the holotype of which is a left periotic (petrosal). The teeth are not of a classic squalodont shape but Kellogg assigned errabundus to Squalodon because the periotic resembled those of squalodonts. I am assuming that someone has since found a skull with the same periotic and teeth like the one you are offering. As you've probably seen, some have rather large/fat roots though the crowns are never particularly large. I have also seen this tooth form called "Prosqualodon" but I've yet to find the source of that identification. Bob always just called it "errabundus."

The bottom tooth is of a form that has been called Aulophyseter morricei (Bob always called it that). I hadn't seen formal identification of the tooth form until I happened to come across a copy of an article on a Miocene sperm whale from Japan (Hirota and Barnes, 1995). The authors corrected Kellogg's 1931 referral of some whale teeth to the species that actually belonged to other whales and even Allodesmus (canines - when worn or otherwise incomplete they can look like other teeth). The authors even provide a photo but it is of poor quality for such a recent publication.


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Hi Jess!

Thanks for the great information. I was hit with acute pancreatitist and some gastric problems that we are still trying to identify. It might not be the valley fever directly but most likely caused by the medications I'm on. My Valley Fever titer is still way above normal so for now I have to stay on the medication. Have you heard from Marcel? I've tried to call him but I haven't heard from him since late July and he hasn't been on this board since August 2nd. Also I never heard the final disposition of Bob's land.

Anyway have a great day.

If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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oops I forgot the Mako! I'm not at my house now but I'll post it soon.



Hi john,

I'd like to buy the mako set you just offered.


Edited by Nettuno
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(Mako at 2 1/2, 2 Chubs and 2 lower Makos) from VA. The whole group of VA teeth goes for $100.00



Could these be red site teeth John? :wub:

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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Could these be red site teeth John? :wub:

I got these in a trade along time ago and they said a river in VA near the NC border.


If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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Hi Jess!

Thanks for the great information. I was hit with acute pancreatitist and some gastric problems that we are still trying to identify. It might not be the valley fever directly but most likely caused by the medications I'm on. My Valley Fever titer is still way above normal so for now I have to stay on the medication. Have you heard from Marcel? I've tried to call him but I haven't heard from him since late July and he hasn't been on this board since August 2nd. Also I never heard the final disposition of Bob's land.

Anyway have a great day.

Hey John,

Marcel is a busy guy (he works for a company and he has his own company plus he has a wife and kids). He thought his workload was going to thin out by mid-August but that turned out not to be the case. I happened to catch him just before he went into a meeting a couple of weeks ago. He was pressed for time so we spoke only briefly. He had talked about going to Denver but it didn't sound like he was going to be free for that.

Mary Ernst has had a few people come out to look at the property and she did get a couple of bids but it hadn't sold yet as of about 4-5 weeks ago. I think she's still accepting bids.

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