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Fossil names and their descriptor


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Why is it that we write the name of the author who described a species, after the species name? 

Here are three examples from the same paper I am currently reading:

. Kosmoceras (Zugokosmoceras) ex grp grossouvrei Douville

. Kosmoceras (Lobokosmoceras) ex grp phaeinum (S. Buckman) 

. Meleagrinella braamburiensis (Phillips) 


Format seems to vary between species also (in and out of brackets) 


Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated!



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Simply, the author's name is an essential part of the species' name. It establishes the base line for all subsequent taxonomy of that species (which can get very complicated in many cases).


The author's name in brackets just means that the generic name has been changed from the original author's description.

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Tarquin      image.png.b7b2dcb2ffdfe5c07423473150a7ac94.png  image.png.4828a96949a85749ee3c434f73975378.png  image.png.6354171cc9e762c1cfd2bf647445c36f.png  image.png.06d7471ec1c14daf7e161f6f50d5d717.png

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TqB - Thank you, that has been very helpful! I've kept note of the species authors so I will add them to my work at a later date. 

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1 hour ago, TqB said:

 The author's name in brackets just means that the generic name has been changed from the original author's description.

I didn't know that! You learn something new every day.


Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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And normally after the name of the author must show the year of description (to allow everyone to find the document).



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