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Fossil Id


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I have a mako shark tooth and two coal-age fossils. The shark tooth is a mako, possibly from Aurora, NC. What I want to know is what kind of mako? The next two pics are from a fossil tree root found in a coal mine in Tennessee. What is it? And the last pic is fossil bark from a coal mine in Georgia. Do you know what species it could be? Calamites?






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the first two pictures of plants are Stigmaria. they are the roots of the Lepidodendron tree, which is also the identification for the last picture that you have posted.

they are most likely carboniferous in age. ( almost certainly)


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The tooth in the first picture does appear to be a Mako -- specifically Isurus hastalis. I assume the labial side is flat.


Besides fossils,

I collect roadcuts,

Stream beds,

Winter beaches:

Places of pilgrimage.

Jasper Burns, Fossil Dreams

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The mako is Isurus hastalis

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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Guest N.AL.hunter

The last picture does not look like any type of lepidodendron I've ever seen. I find a lot of this stuff in Bama, and lepidodendron always has bark that has diamond shaped/triangular shaped scales to it. It looks more like calamites to me, but what I find has 'ribs' that are much finer, not as large as what you have, but then again there are most likely several species of calamites that I have not seen. The others do indeed look like stigmaria or root. Very nice ones too.

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Guest solius symbiosus

^ I think it is a Sigillaria. Another type of Lycopsid.

It could however be one of the inner barks of the Lepidodendron..

EDIT: Or one of the inner barks or Sigillaria. I'm not sure of Sig. barks, but I believe the Lepidodendron had 7 "layers" and innermost ones didn't exhibited the scars.

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