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North American paleoburrows?


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Many paleoburrows have been found in South America and are believed to have been excavated by ground sloths. That being the case has anybody heard of any of these paleoburrows in North America? I understand that a good number of ground sloth remain have been discovered in caves in North America. Is it possible that some of these caves are misidentified burrows? From what I can gather the majority of the paleoburrows in South America are found in hillsides close to water.  Has anybody seen a site in North America that contained ground sloth remains and could be interpreted as one of these burrows? 




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I doubt that there would be more than a handful still intact, even if they were common at the time the sloths lived. I think anything that size dug in soil or sediment would have collapsed within a couple of thousand years of being dug. How many of these have been found? Where in South America?





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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Several thousand of them in southern Brazil. The further north the less are found, but has anybody really been looking for them? 

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11 minutes ago, Hyslothesis said:

Several thousand of them in southern Brazil. The further north the less are found, but has anybody really been looking for them? 

Wow, never heard of them before. I learn something new again. That makes today a keeper. Thank you.

There are extant sloths in South America. Are these burrows dug by extant or extinct sloths?





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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Extinct, they are huge, a grown man can stand up comfortably in many of them

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