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Agatized dinosaur bone


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I have found some different dinosaur agatized bones, some highly weathered, posting here an image, is it before or after jurassic era.   

1 (5).jpg

4 (4).jpg

1 (6).jpg

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Your tags say Hawaii and UK, are you stating you got these in Hawaii and they are originally from the UK?

It would help to know just where exactly these were found as to what age of deposits to expect.


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MY 1st post here, little bit mixed up if you might have not heard of Chakwal city in Pakistan, where huge amounts of dinosaur skeletons were recovered in 1990's. Dinosaur museum is now situated in  Kalar kahar, Chakwal, this museum is never opened for public till now. in search of other minerals i have found some different types of agatized dinosaur bones too.

I have seen websites selling similar American origin rocks,  different areas, so asking the age might be different,

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We can not determine the age of bone from a picture.

We would need a formation name or more accurate location for this.


Nice pieces though.



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6 hours ago, Antiquarian said:

MY 1st post here, little bit mixed up if you might have not heard of Chakwal city in Pakistan, where huge amounts of dinosaur skeletons were recovered in 1990's. Dinosaur museum is now situated in  Kalar kahar, Chakwal, this museum is never opened for public till now. in search of other minerals i have found some different types of agatized dinosaur bones too.

I have seen websites selling similar American origin rocks,  different areas, so asking the age might be different,

So I'm still not understanding the Hawaii and UK reference. Now you are talking about a museum in Pakistan. 

It would be more pertinent to get the age of your Pakistani deposits from local geologists in your area.


We can't judge the age of a non descript bone by comparing it with something found on the other side of the world without even knowing what creature it came from. :shrug:


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Thanks ynot,

I can't acquire more information about museum, don't know if am allowed to post website url for you to judge the stone type, anyway, here's another type of rock, very likely to be dinosaur agatized bone, someone might be able to to give insight.

This simple little grind rock for details sorry for blur picture if...




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