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Man Made Or Fossel


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bob - i don't really think it's either. there's nothing about it that suggests a fossil to me, and i don't really see signs of human craftsmanship on it.

on the other hand, i have seen lots of very weird rocks formed in sedimentary environments by mother nature. so i'm guessing that's what happened.

but i'll tell you the rest of what i know about it in 30 more years. check back here...



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I must concur on that for similar reasons. You would be amazed at what mother nature can do with a few loose pebbles and a bit of wind or water for a few years.

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I agree to a certain extent... but this is one where the holes seem to 'formal'.... 'too good to be true'... I have no idea what could of done this, but it appears to have 'purpose' to me.... ;)

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Sometimes you can get some interesting things as a result of crystalization; when they are disolved naturally, the spaces they leave can sometimes appear very geometrically perfect. Looking at this with its almost uniform look and measured spacing between the depressions I am inclined to think the hand of man was involved here.

Be true to the reality you create.

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bob - i don't really think it's either. there's nothing about it that suggests a fossil to me, and i don't really see signs of human craftsmanship on it.

on the other hand, i have seen lots of very weird rocks formed in sedimentary environments by mother nature. so i'm guessing that's what happened.

but i'll tell you the rest of what i know about it in 30 more years. check back here...



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thanks for taking a look this is a test to see if I'm doing this right will post what I want it to be later bobt


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Please read my findings are its the left front foot or hoof print, the right inside back print is the larger print meaning that part of the foot carries the most weight because it covers the most area the left back print also covers a large area, if I look close there is a ridge in the middle of this one suggesting a split hoof, the two front prints could be to stablize as there are under the top of the rock suggest they are pointed, counting all totals 5 digits, the two back prints have a ripple on the bottom suggesting used for traction the rough bottom is totally different from the top of rock witch is smooth, the two front ones don't seen to have any ripples, there is a ridge between front and back suggesting the front hoofs would be extended . Thanks for bearing with these findings bobt [hay no laughing]



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