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North Sulphur River - Great First Trip


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Finally made a trip to the North Sulphur River.  As a first timer, I went straight to the Ladonia Fossil Park.  It has a large parking area with clear access to the river bottom.  Keep in mind, the access is good, but the steps are HUGE.  Going down isn't too difficult, but getting back up had me climbing them on my hands/knees.  There is an ATV trail on the east side of the bridge that I was told has a more gradual slope, but you'll need to keep an eye open for snakes/insects, as its heavily overgrown with vegetation.


I had a great time searching the river bed and banks for fossils.  I found tons of baculite segments and lots of vertabrate bone fragments (likely mosasaur).  Very few well preserved specimens with the majority worn beyond identification.  Also found a few oyster shells, gastropods, and shark teeth.  Tools aren't necessary, but you may want to carry scraping tool or a small pry bar for working the bank exposures.  Screen boxes also come in handy for sifting through sediments in the river bed.


A few words to the wise:

 - during spring/summer, be sure to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated

 - use a walking stick to steady yourself and for testing areas ahead of your walk path

 - try to stay on gravel bars, as the mud can be deep especially along edge of the banks

 - when walking through water between gravel bars try to avoid walking on shale layers as it is extremely slippery

 - be aware that there is lots of broken glass, concrete rubble, rusty metal, and other debris

 - for the above reasons and the fact that they are not very supportive, I would strongly advise against flip flops with firsthand knowledge (in the words of Jimmy Buffet, "I blew out my flip flop, stepped on a pop top........." )


And lastly, always check the water level of the river before making the trek - go to the National Weather Service for North Sulphur River near Cooper, TX (Gauge CPPT2)



I can't wait to go back.


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I spy a nice mosasaur vertebra, well done!!! 

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"In Africa, one can't help becoming caught up in the spine-chilling excitement of the hunt. Perhaps, it has something to do with a memory of a time gone by, when we were the prey, and our nights were filled with darkness..."

-Eternal Enemies: Lions And Hyenas

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