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Hello all, 

Recently my girlfriend and I were planning on taking a trip to the C and D Canal for a day as it isn't very far from where we live. 

However, I have a few questions. Any input would be greatly appreciated. 


1. Where could we park when we head over to the dredge piles, and how far of a walk would it be from the parking spot to the piles?

2. Are the dredge piles productive currently? I am aware that if they havent been dredged recently they won't be very productive. 

3. How deep would we need to dig to actually reach the fossils? 

4. What equipment would be reccommended/required for finding fossils on the trip.


I believe that is it.

Thank you for any input!



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I think at this point between the weeds growing in the piles and the biting flys you.may want to wait until the fall to check out the spoils at the C& D canal.  My son and I did a quick search a couple of years ago during the summer and the flies were nasty and the area was pretty weedy.  You might want to check with @I_gotta_rock she's knows the area pretty well.

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Thanks a lot! Im still new to the forum, so  I still am figuring the website and community out. Haha. How would I be able to check with her to ask these questions? 

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8 hours ago, Snaggle_tooth said:

... How would I be able to check with her to ask these questions? 

By sending a private message, it should be in the top right corner menu...at least on the mobile site it is.

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11 hours ago, Adam86cucv said:

By sending a private message, it should be in the top right corner menu...at least on the mobile site it is.

Thanks a lot! Will do!!

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