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Mamlambo's fossil hunts (now with video!)


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Hi All


I've really been enjoying getting out and about here in New Zealand and hunting for fossils and taking some video footage at the same time. I'm still a beginner and find that by posting the videos I get some good info from the more experienced people across the world.


If anyone is interested, I have posted my latest video up here: 013 Beach hunt for Miocene fossils


I'm on instagram as well: @mamlambo_nz and would really like to follow any other TFF users, so please add me so I can follow you :)

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Nice video!

i often wondered what it would be like hunting there in the dark. Some times low tides are early in the morning or even middle if the night.

It would be quite a different experience.


The bone looks like cetacean bone which is common there. The last concretion in your video looks very promising :thumbsu:

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Wow o wow, your videos are a trip through envy land.  Very cool finding all those Tumidos.  Seeing those hunting trips on video makes it real, like you are there with you.  New Zealand has been on my bucket list for a long time.  Sure envy being able to hunt for my favorite group of animals at a place so close.

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I don't believe you didn't keep the exposed carapace. Many of the collectors here would have paid money for that specimen.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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On 03/08/2019 at 4:05 PM, RuMert said:

Crabs are impressive:thumbsu:. But a plesiosaur vert in Miocene formation?

Thanks :) The plesiosaurs are found in the same river, just many kms upriver and they sometimes do get washed down. I can always hope!

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15 hours ago, crabfossilsteve said:

Wow o wow, your videos are a trip through envy land.  Very cool finding all those Tumidos.  Seeing those hunting trips on video makes it real, like you are there with you.  New Zealand has been on my bucket list for a long time.  Sure envy being able to hunt for my favorite group of animals at a place so close.

I love hunting the crabs - I really am fortunate to live within driving distance of the locations where they are found. It's a bit of a gamble as the sand sometimes completely covers them up and then there isn't anything to find. I went out again today and found one 25kg concretion which should have a complete crab inside :)

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i like your videos keep it up. i was down there a couple of weeks ago. the walk back is a killer but one of my favorite stops when i am down that way.

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31 minutes ago, Dave (POM) Allen said:

i like your videos keep it up. i was down there a couple of weeks ago. the walk back is a killer but one of my favorite stops when i am down that way.

Thanks :) The walk is very hard, especially when it has rained! Let me know if you're around again - would love to go out with someone with more experience!

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Fossil hunt from 3 Aug 2019:


I was very lucky with a low tide and low sands levels at one of my new locations which exposed more concretions than I had seen before. It was a very windy day but managed to find a monster 23kg (50lb) concretion with crab legs sticking out both sides - had to carry it 8km back to the car which was an effort! I have no idea how to prep this monster, any advice will be appreciated!


Other finds included some whale bones, corals, shells, a crow bar and a few smaller crabs. I also found a nice piece of what I think is calcite crystals.


I made a video of the hunt: https://youtu.be/75hPVTDesC4


There are some photos on my Instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/mamlambo_nz/






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Nice one!

that big concretion is going to contain a large crab for sure, you can tell by the size of the leg circles.

With a concretion that size, you will get either a complete smaller/younger crab or a big boy with some leg missing.

Big boy it is I reckon!  What’s the diameter of the legs?


If you want to prep it you will need air tools . Lots of good threads on here that show how to tackle large concretions.


Establishing the orientation is the 1st task - which way is the top? Post some images here with top, bottom and side views.


Bulk rock removal is the challenge to get to the crab. You can use good old fashioned hammer and chisel to get to the crab or a rock saw to do it quick. Rock saw can be very risky as you can cut into the crab if you get it wrong.


That is an awesome concretion my friend. You have been putting in a lot of hours on the beach and deserve the success.

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Nice video as well. I think I know where you are there, and that is about as low as I’ve seen the sand. Perfect hunting conditions!!! you Don’t show any horizon shots but after many years, you start to recognize rocks, like old (very old!) friends. We had joked about giving some of the very large “heartbreaker” crabs names.


In the video, looks like the big concretion has more rock on one side of the legs than the other. This is usually the bottom. Thankfully this means less rock to remove.

So sitting the crab on a flat side where there is more rock under the legs, the top will usually be dorsal.


I can see a purchase of a compressor and air tools in your future :thumbsu:

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  That was most enjoyable!   That big 50lbs crab conc is super duper.  and Dr Mud is right, your gunna need some air tools in your future.  I absolutely love Tumido crabs!!!



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3 hours ago, RJB said:

  That was most enjoyable!   That big 50lbs crab conc is super duper.  and Dr Mud is right, your gunna need some air tools in your future.  I absolutely love Tumido crabs!!!



It sure is! It looks like slightly softer rock too which is a plus. Hope there is some nice preservation in there.

I would have been very excited to find this one. Sometimes you only find one good crab in a day, but if it is like that, it makes the trip worthwhile.

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17 hours ago, Doctor Mud said:

Nice one!

that big concretion is going to contain a large crab for sure, you can tell by the size of the leg circles.

With a concretion that size, you will get either a complete smaller/younger crab or a big boy with some leg missing.

Big boy it is I reckon!  What’s the diameter of the legs?


If you want to prep it you will need air tools . Lots of good threads on here that show how to tackle large concretions.


Establishing the orientation is the 1st task - which way is the top? Post some images here with top, bottom and side views.


Bulk rock removal is the challenge to get to the crab. You can use good old fashioned hammer and chisel to get to the crab or a rock saw to do it quick. Rock saw can be very risky as you can cut into the crab if you get it wrong.


That is an awesome concretion my friend. You have been putting in a lot of hours on the beach and deserve the success.

The leg holes are 18mm x 10mm on the one I measured. Thanks for all the help with the orientation - I will spend some time figuring it out before I start chipping away at it.


I have a small compressor and a cheap air prep tool which I am enjoying using on my practice crabs.


I'll make a video of it when I do the prep :)

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17 hours ago, RJB said:

  That was most enjoyable!   That big 50lbs crab conc is super duper.  and Dr Mud is right, your gunna need some air tools in your future.  I absolutely love Tumido crabs!!!



Love the Tumido crabs as well - busy prepping my first one now. It's going very slow, but I don't want to make any silly mistakes. I have a small compressor and cheap air tool :)

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On 8/10/2019 at 10:41 PM, mamlambo said:

Love the Tumido crabs as well - busy prepping my first one now. It's going very slow, but I don't want to make any silly mistakes. I have a small compressor and cheap air tool

  Taking your time and going slow is always a good thing.  lookiing forward to seeing your next few post!   I also sent you a PM. 



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Pardon me for saying this, but after watching that one video of you smashing big concs with that huge sledge.....please don't do that. You can use smaller hammers (3 lbs) along with chisels, by going around the outside making a chisel line all around the upper 1/3 or so.  Keep going around that line until you get a crack going.  Certainly, please wait to prep that huge concretion until you have the proper equipment and have developed the skills or get it prepped by a professional.  Most of us have destroyed great specimens, by not waiting till we got better.  Good equipment make such a difference, that along with magnification.


Again pardon me 

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On 8/2/2019 at 1:57 PM, mamlambo said:

Hi All


I've really been enjoying getting out and about here in New Zealand and hunting for fossils and taking some video footage at the same time. I'm still a beginner and find that by posting the videos I get some good info from the more experienced people across the world.


If anyone is interested, I have posted my latest video up here: 013 Beach hunt for Miocene fossils


I'm on instagram as well: @mamlambo_nz and would really like to follow any other TFF users, so please add me so I can follow you :)

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ce to see the video is alway fun to watch them it really feels like I'm there with you maybe one day ;)

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4 minutes ago, DLB said:


ce to see the video is alway fun to watch them it really feels like I'm there with you maybe one day ;)

Yeah man! You should make the trip over :) I'll show you the secret spots ;)

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That goes both ways you know if you ever make it to the Washington state I would most deffenatly be showing you some areas.:)

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Congrats on that low tide and sand wash - those are magical times to be there, even if its pissing down with rain!  Give me a shout next time you head down if you want some company...  you probably drive past me on the way there ;)


That big one has a lot of promise - potentially a top quality preservation if it isnt a moult.

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