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For The Size What Could They Be From?

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Here are some bone fragments that I hope someone can give me some idea what they are and maybe what their from .

Thanks B)B)B):)







It's my bone!!!

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Some very nice pictures, indeed. Well photographed. I'm assuming that this is Pleistocene material? Anyhow, the first, fifth and sixth specimens appear to represent fragments of the hip joint. That round socket is where the femur (thigh bone) would attach. Fossils two and three, I'm pretty sure, are metapodials--the lower large foot bone. Not sure what specimen four is; appears to have a socket at the top, though. By the size and shape of the specimens, I'm guessing camel? Probably Bob B. or other vertebrate specialists here could make a more definitive identification, I should think. Regards, Inyo

Here's a photograph of a Western Camel's metapodial I found weathering out of the upper Pleistocene Manix Lake Beds, Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California, a number of years ago.


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Thank you for your reply Waucoba, these bone fragments were found in association with other types of Pleistocene material like Tapir,Dire Wolf,sloth and Camel.(see my gallery) I have never found any large bones from these kinds of aminals except a Camel leg bone but it is smaller than these bones? That is why I am asking about the type of animals these large bones are from.Here are a few more pictures. Waucoba, welcome to the forum also. B)B)B):)





It's my bone!!!

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I think I know what they are now but still not sure of the Sp. yet. Pic # 1 is a Pelvis 2&3 a Cannon bone and 4-6 is a Horse Scapula? B)B)B):)

It's my bone!!!

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