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Back in Vermont’s Ordovician


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Hello everyone!


I found myself in Vermont today, and through much cajoling I convinced my parents to allow a detour to a fossil site a forum member let me know about a year ago. It is from the Crown Point Formation, Ordovician in age. 


The first time time I was there, about a year ago, I collected a ton of trilobite cross sections. While those are cool, this time I wanted to focus on finding ones worn in a slightly more favorable fashion, and perhaps one worthy of prep. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any worthy of prep, but I did find some decent trilo-bits. Also came home with a Gastropod and a funny piece of pareidolia (450 million year old Mr. Bill?). I didn’t have much space in the car reserved for fossils, so I was sparing in what I picked up. ‘Twas a fun hour or so indeed.


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Happy hunting,


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Isotelus thorax segment. Love me some Isotelus fossils.


Edited by WhodamanHD
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Happy hunting,


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3 minutes ago, Kane said:

In re: Mr Bill. :P

Not showing up for me, but the internet where I am staying is spotty


edit: must have been the Internet, it’s working now! Indeed, funny how fossils wear.

Happy hunting,


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1 minute ago, WhodamanHD said:

Left this glabella behind (think it’s a flexicalymene?)


It is!

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Hematized inarticulate brachiopod from the dark flysch-like material also present at the site, it’s a lot sparser. Didn’t come home (sorry to you brachiopod lovers)


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Happy hunting,


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Very worn and very large Isotelus pygidium, too big of a rock to take back.


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Happy hunting,


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An example of the trilo-bit cross section hash that abounds at the site


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Happy hunting,


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Lastly, a (very cropped so it can fit) picture of a portion of the site to give an idea of what fossil hunting there is like.


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Happy hunting,


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9 minutes ago, Kane said:

It is!

Hurrah! My trilobite IDing skills are a bit shoddy, so I’ll take that little victory!

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Happy hunting,


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You’re doing just fine. :) I can only imagine how this trip would be if it was longer with some tools!

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Very nice finds for a short stop! 


It’s good to hear that your parents support your hobby. Even if it did take some convincing. ;) 

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23 minutes ago, FossilNerd said:

Very nice finds for a short stop! 


It’s good to hear that your parents support your hobby. Even if it did take some convincing. ;) 

Thanks! My parents are extremely supportive, and I owe much thanks to them for being so. But sometimes a little nudge is necessary to keep them that way:D

Happy hunting,


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7 hours ago, Gizmo said:

Very nice finds, congrats!  :)

Thanks! Can’t wait to get back to MD fossil hunting though.

Happy hunting,


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9 hours ago, WhodamanHD said:

Thanks! My parents are extremely supportive, and I owe much thanks to them for being so. But sometimes a little nudge is necessary to keep them that way:D

I don't know what nudge means, but i also support you. Nice finds, i hope you'll find trilobites worthy to prep.:D


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